Searched: Rigi *RSF[^A-Za-z]
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Homepage: CrocoPat manipulates relations of any arity, including graphs (which are binary relations). Its simple and expressive ...
RSF is an acronym that stands for Rigi standard format. The format was introduced by the RigiSystem, but other sytems have adopted/adapted it as well. Format: relationname ...
Rigi Q A In this document the following tools are frequently mentioned: sortrsf (See SortRSF) htmlrsf (See HtmlRSF) rigiedit (See RigiEdit) Q: rigiedit is dog-slow ...
The original specification was posted in the Rigi mailing list (now defunct): ...
ReverseEngineering system to extract, navigate, analyze and document the static structure of large software systems. The topics ...
Rigi's User Manual , Kenny Wong. University of Victoria, 168 pages. The latest version is 5.4.4 and avilable here: PDF: ...

Number of topics: 6