Searched: RSF[^A-Za-z]
Results from Transform web
Columbus/CAN is a reverse engineering tool devloped by FrontEndART. It is available as a free download. The system extracts C++ (ISO/IEC standard C++, Microsoft and ...
Homepage: CrocoPat manipulates relations of any arity, including graphs (which are binary relations). Its simple and expressive ...
Exchange Format Bibliography by HolgerKienle, JoergCzeranski and ThomasEisenbarth This paper gives a bibliographical overview and a classification of ExchangeFormats ...
htmlrsf is a command line program that is part of the RigiSystem. If your Rigi environment is setup, docu is located at $RIGI/doc/rigiutils/htmlrsf.html executable ...
RSF is an acronym that stands for Rigi standard format. The format was introduced by the RigiSystem, but other sytems have adopted/adapted it as well. Format: relationname ...
A sample RCL script that is used to pre-process the RSF generated with cparse for Rigi has been written by JohannesMartin. The RCL script is generic and works for ...
Rigi Q A In this document the following tools are frequently mentioned: sortrsf (See SortRSF) htmlrsf (See HtmlRSF) rigiedit (See RigiEdit) Q: rigiedit is dog-slow ...
Specification: RigiRSFSpecification Errata: In a source-location the elements are separated with comma, not semicolon. Errata for "Appendix: Tool Support": rigiedit ...
The original specification was posted in the Rigi mailing list (now defunct): ...
ReverseEngineering system to extract, navigate, analyze and document the static structure of large software systems. The topics ...
Rigi's User Manual , Kenny Wong. University of Victoria, 168 pages. The latest version is 5.4.4 and avilable here: PDF: ...
sortrsf is a command line program that is part of the RigiSystem. If your Rigi environment is setup: documentation is located at $RIGI/doc/rigiutils/sortrsf.html ...
The Tuple-Attribute language (TA)is based on the RSF triple notation. Edges and nodes are specified identically to RSF. Nodes and types can be attributed. Attributes ...

Number of topics: 13