Searched: Smalltalk *Refactory[^A-Za-z]
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A Refactoring Tool for Smalltalk by DonRoberts, JohnBrant, and RalphJohnson Available online: This article introduces ...
Don Roberts homepage: SmalltalkRefactory ARefactoringToolForSmalltalk ProgramRefactoring CategoryPeople
John Brant homepage: SmalltalkRefactory ARefactoringToolForSmalltalk CategoryPeople
Homepage: ProgramRefactoring SmalltalkRefactory CategoryPeople
RefactoringPrograms is the activity of transforming a program to improve its desing while preserving its behaviour. The SmalltalkRefactory is a program that supports ...
SmalltalkRefactoringBrowser is wiki for SmalltalkRefactory Main.MartinBravenboer 31 Oct 2001
Smalltalk Refactory The (Smalltalk) Refactoring Browser is an interactive program for ProgramRefactoring, i.e., behaviour preserving transformations that improve ...
There are many TransformationSystems available. This page contains an ordering of these systems by paradigm. TermRewriting Systems based on pure TermRewriting define ...

Number of topics: 8