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Results from Transform web
CodeCompaction is a class of ProgramOptimizations that reduce the size of a program. This is especially important for embedded software that is used on devices with ...
Code generation (also called selection) is a transformation performed in the back-ends of compilers. At this state of compilation representation expressions are transformed ...
Grammar engineering is a form of ProgramTransformation applied to grammars or SyntaxDefinitions to improve tree structure, to adapt the language defined, or to convert ...
by MichaelWolfe. Addison-Wesley, 1995. From the author: From the publisher: http: ...
See CodeGeneration Main.EelcoVisser 08 Jan 2002 CategoryTransformation ProgramOptimization
See ModelDrivenArchitecture. CategoryTransformation Main.MichaelLawley 29 Sep 2004
ModelDrivenArchitecture (MDA) is often presented as a particular approach to ProgramRefinement or, more generally, ProgramSynthesis. Models are usually UML models ...
Model transformation is the equivalent of program transformation, but applied to models instead of programs. This encompasses design models (e.g., UML diagrams), architectural ...
Definition Program transformation is the act of changing one program into another. The term program transformation is also used for a program, or any other description ...
Partial evaluation is a ProgramOptimization technique in which a program is specialized to a part of the input that is known statically (at specialization time). Partial ...
Compilation is a form of synthesis in which a program in a high-level language is transformed to machine code. This translation is usually achieved in several phases ...
A normalization reduces a program to a program in a sub-language, with the purpose of decreasing its syntactic complexity. Desugaring is a kind of normalization in ...
Obfuscation is a ProgramTransformation that makes a program harder to understand by renaming variables, inserting dead code, etc. Obfuscation is done to hide the business ...
ProgramOptimization is a kind of ProgramTransformation aimed at improving the time or memory performance of a program. CompilationByTransformation makes heavy use ...
ProgramRefinement is a special case of ProgramSynthesis in which an (efficient) implementation is derived from a high-level specification such that the implementation ...
(See also ModelTransformation ) A Definition A program is a structured object with semantics. The structure allows us to transform a program. The semantics gives us ...
See QueryViewTransformation. CategoryTransformation Main.MichaelLawley 29 Sep 2004
QueryViewTransformation is the OMG's upcoming (due end 2004/start 2005) standard for specifying MOF model queries, views, and transformations. It's main significance ...
by RichardKelsey and PaulHudak Conference Record of the Sixteenth Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL'89) . 281--292, 1989, http://citeseer ...
Software refactoring can be seen as the object-oriented equivalent of restructuring. It can be considered as a specific kind of software evolution. We can distinguish ...
According to Chapter 9 of GenerativeProgrammingBook: a generator is a program that takes a higher-level specification of piece of software and produces its implementation ...
ProgramTransformation techniques are used in a many areas of SoftwareEngineering ranging from ProgramSynthesis, via ProgramOptimization and ProgramRefactoring, to ...
The TAMPR Program Transformation System: Simplifying the Development of Numerical Software by J. M. Boyle, T. J. Harmer and V. L. Winter In E. Arge, A.M. Bruaset ...
Topics in the implementation of ProgramTransformation: ProgramRepresentation AbstractSyntax HigherOrderAbstractSyntax ProgramParsing LexicalAnalysis ContextFreeParsing ...
A ProgramTransformation paradigm is an area of application of TransformationTechniques. Paradigms that are employed in compilers and other automatic language processors ...
A program transformation system is a (collection of) tool(s) for implementing ProgramTransformations. Survey of Transformation Systems There are many transformation ...
An overview of various forms of ProgramTransformation. Translation ProgramMigration ProgramSynthesis ProgramRefinement ProgramCompilation ReverseEngineering DeCompilation ...

Number of topics: 27