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An ATerm is a representation of data in the Format.
TOC Description The Database Interface (aterm-dbi) offers an ATermServices look on a relational database. aterm-dbi uses Java Stratego.ATerm Servlets. Interface Currently ...
Introduction The ATerm (Annotated Term) Format is a format for exchanging structured data between tools. The ATerm format is a generic internal and external representation ...
ATerm libraries implement the internal representation of the Format in some programming language and the conversion between the external and the internal representation ...
An ATermService is a software component that: is accessible at some URL using HTTP takes an Stratego.ATerm input in the body of a HTTP POST request returns an Stratego ...
Summary Converts an ATerm to a comparable XML document. Description The tools aterm2xml and xml2aterm support the conversion from ATerm to XML and vice versa. Since ...
ATermTools is a collection of generic tools for ATerms. Tools STARTINCLUDE term-to-dot transforms an ATerm to a graph in the Transform.DotLanguage pp-aterm pretty ...
Name box2asfix Synopsis box2asfix i box-term o asfix-tree w width t asfix-tree Description The utility box2asfix produces an AsFix parse-tree in which the layout ...
Name abox2html Synopsis abox2html c i box-term o html-file t title Description The utility abox2html produces an HTML file according to the formatting defined in ...
Name abox2latex Synopsis abox2latex alltt boxenv i box-term o html-file w width t abbreviations file Description The utility abox2latex produces LaTeX code according ...
Description An abstract composition definition is a definition of a composition that is independent of the type of components. It describes the components in the ...
Summary addPosInfo adds position information to an AsFix2ME parse tree. Example The following syntax definition defines a tiny language of assignments and expressions ...
Name ambtracker display the productions in a parse tree causing ambiguities Description Compared to visamb ambtracker offers an alternative visualization of ambiguities ...
Description AsFix (ASF+SDF fixed format) is a format for representing parse trees in the ATerm format. Currently two versions of AsFix are in used: AsFix2ME and AsFix2 ...
AsFix2ME is a more compact variant of AsFix2. See the AsFix topic for a general overview of AsFix. This topic describes the difference between AsFix2 and AsFix2ME ...
Description An asfix to asfix tool that reserves comments that were of the input source code by putting them in annotations of the AST. It is difficult to decide ...
Name asfix2abox Synopsis asfix2abox c i asfix-tree o box-term p table1 p table2 ... Description The asfix2abox utility is a generic formatter that maps a parse-tree ...
asfix-tools is a collection of tools for the AsFix (ASF Fixed) format. The AsFix format is a format for representing a parse tree. Sdf.SGLR outputs its result in the ...
asfix-yield is an asfix-tool that transforms parse trees in the AsFix format to the flat text the parse tree represents.
Description Compiling and installing software packages is often a time consuming and complicated business. You have to read the installation instructions to determine ...
Description Autobundle is a utility for making software distributions by bundling multiple (third-party) software packages. Autobundle promotes the development of ...
The Box Language is described in the Stratego/XT manual: Box Text Formatting Language Documentation to pretty print a grammar to define pretty print tables Publications ...
Description The `dbs' package implements an open framework for daily-builds (i.e. regular performed builds to continuously verify the consistence of all parts of ...
This is one of the XT UserStories. RECOVERY OF SYNTAX DEFINITION FOR LEX No syntax definition for LEX was available in the grammar-base. In order to further automate ...
This is one of the XT UserStories RECOVERING A SYNTAX DEFINITION FOR STRATEGO This directory contains a syntax definition in SDF2 of the Stratego language. This file ...
GPP is an abbreviation of the Pretty Printer package.
Introduction gen-renamed-sdf-module generates an SDF module that renames all SDF sorts in a given SDF definition. Example Syntax definition: definition module Expressions ...
Introduction The GPP package is a tool suite for generic pretty-printing. GPP supports pretty-printing of parse-trees in the AsFix format with comment preservation ...
The GrammarTools (GT) package, which contained a collection of grammar-related tools, is now part of Stratego/XT.
The graph-tools package is a collection of tools for graph representation and manipulation. Graph Format Conversion Currently graph-tools supports the conversion of ...
Graphviz is a package for visualization of graphs created at AT T. The development home of the Graph Visualization Project is located at: The ...
Task How to define pretty-print tables for use with GPP. Description The utility AsFixToAbox is a language-independent front-end for the pretty-print system GPP. ...
Task One sentence. Description Global (step-wise) procedure for carrying-out the task. Examples Specific instantiation of the global procedure for specific input ...
Task Given a grammar and a parse tree obtained by parsing a term over this grammar, construct a subgrammar that still parses the same term. Description Given a grammar ...
Assuming that all required packages are installed (see HowToObtainKoalaCompiler), the source distribution of KoalaCompiler can be installed in the following steps ...
The KoalaCompiler is developed as a component-based system using Stratego.StrategoXT: The system is implemented as a set of program transformation tools. Different ...
Task How to obtain abstract syntax trees Description Given a concrete term over some language L, an abstract syntax tree for that term is obtained by: 1. generating ...
See HowToInstallKoalaCompiler for installation instructions INCLUDE{KoalaCompilerRelease03}
The KoalaCompiler components are all tool components that use a standard set of command-line switches to control their operation. Below we describe the common switches ...
Task How to pretty-print a grammar. Description A grammar can be pretty-printed (to plain text, html, or latex) using the GPP package in the following way: 1. Parse ...
Task How to use pretty-printed documents in LaTeX. Description The back-end abox2latex produces LaTeX code according to the formatting defined in a Box term. In order ...
implodePT is part of the pt-support package. It implodes an AsFix2ME parse tree to an abstract syntax tree. See AsFix for an example and more information on the AsFix ...
JJForester is a combined parser generator, tree builder, and visitor generator for Java. Its features include: Sdf.GeneralizedLR parsing, using the Sdf.SGLR parse ...
Global architecture of JJForester: : Ellipses are tools. Shaded boxes are generated code. JJForester takes a grammar ...
The JJForester tool was designed and implemented by Tobias Kuipers and Transform.JoostVisser. Questions and suggestions concerning JJForester can be sent to the JJForesterMailingList ...
JJForesterArchitecture. An insightful picture. JJForesterInvocation, command line options, and such. Papers Transform.VisitorCombinationAndTraversalControl, explains ...
Downloading JJForester via the Online Package Base The JJForester software package is available from the Online Package Base at: http://www.program-transformation ...
JJForesterMailingList JJForesterCredits JJForesterUnresolvedQuestions
Usage: JJForester v p packagename {-o, outputdir} outputdir inputfile inputfile SDF definition file v version information p packagename package name for generated ...
Address : Information : jjforester Archive : jjforester C 8976 ...
Version 0.7 and higher See JJForesterDownload for a detailed description. Version 0.6 JJForester now supports Transform.VisitorCombinators. These are implementations ...
If you are a JJForester user, we would like to know your opinion about possible modifications to the tool. That's what this discussion page is for. Qualified constructor ...
JJTraveler is a generic visitor combinator framework. Documentation Generated documentation of JJTraveler can be found at: ...
The One combinator contains a subtle bug. As a result, the combinators OnceBottomUp, OnceTopDown, SpineBottomUp, and SpineTopDown, which are defined in terms of One ...
The One combinator contains a subtle bug. As a result, the combinators OnceBottomUp, OnceTopDown, SpineBottomUp, and SpineTopDown, which are defined in terms of One ...
The tool koala-c translates the bindings defined in a Koala composition to C. The program takes as input a Koala composition and produces as output a set of .c/.h ...
News May-2-2007. Version 0.3 of the koala compiler has been released. Checkout HowToObtainKoalaCompiler Description The Koala-compiler package forms an Open Source ...
Released December 22, 2004 The KoalaCompiler package requires the ATerms, sdf2-bundle, and StrategoXT pacakges to be installed. These packages can be downloaded and ...
Released July 28, 2005 The KoalaCompiler package requires a couple of packages to be installed. These packages can be downloaded and installed from source: aterm-2 ...
INCLUDE{} License KoalaCompiler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ...
A picture of a Koala specification can be generated with the koala-dot tool. This tool reads a Koala composition, normalizes it and transforms a grapg in DOT format ...
Description The tool koala-graph generates a graphical representation of a Koala specification as a Dot graph. The generated output is an abstract syntax tree of ...
The tool koala-normalize performs Koala normalizations without code generation. It takes a Koala composition as input and produces an abstract syntax tree (AST) of ...
The tool koala-stc translates a Koala composition to a composite source tree. This process is called Source Tree Composition. The basic idea is that for koala-stc ...
Pretty-printing Koala specifications is performed with the koala-text tool. This tool reads a Koala composition, normalizes it and transforms the result to text. koala ...
This project is obolete, please checkout: KoalaCompiler Description The Koala-tools package is a collection of tools operating on the Koala component definition language ...
Description The Koala compiler toolkit forms a generic framework for component composition. The framework works as follows: 1 Components and compositions are expressed ...
Description The tool koala-wire connects requires interfaces to provides interfaces whenever possible. Example For instance, all components in the composition showed ...
Description The tool pack-koala packs the Koala component and interface definitions and produces a parse tree for the complete Koala specification. Example ATTACHURL ...
Parse-unit is now described in the Stratego/XT Manual: Unit Testing with parse-unit.
The pp-aterm tool adds layout to an ATerm to make its structure more clear. Example: The following Tiger program let function fact(n : int) : int if n is represented ...
The documentation of GPP pretty-print tables is now part of the Stratego/XT manual: Generic Pretty Printing: Pretty Print Tables
Name pptable-diff Synopsis pptable-diff patch prune o output new table old table Description This program writes to standard error a list of pretty-print rules that ...
Tools STARTINCLUDE ambtracker display the productions in a parse tree causing ambiguities implodePT implodes an AsFix2ME parse tree to an abstact syntax tree unparsePT ...
rtg2sig Summary Generates a Stratego Signature from an RTG. Options module n Generated module has name n i f input f Read input from f o f output f Write output to ...
Introduction rtg2typematch is a tool for generating a duck-typing-based strategies that check if an ATerm is of a type as defined in an RTG. An example will make ...
Description sdf-front is a collection of tools and specifications for the Stratego.SDF2 concrete syntax Specifications Syntax definition of Stratego.SDF2 Syntax definition ...
Summary Calculates conflicting patterns in an AST from an SDF syntax definition. Description sdf2ast-conflicts calculates a list of conflicting patterns in an AST ...
Introduction sdf2parenthesize generates a Stratego transformation tool that adds the necessary parentheses to an abstract syntax tree. The information is obtained ...
Tools STARTINCLUDE parse-unit unit testing of SDF2 syntax definitions gen-renamed-sdf-module generates an SDF module that renames all sorts in an SDF syntax definition ...
Transforms an Stratego.ATerm to a graph in the Transform.DotLanguage . This tool can be used to create attractive visual representations of ATerms. term-to-dot tree ...
autoxt autoxt installs makerules and autoconf macros for using XT tools strc strc stratego-front parse-stratego parses a Stratego module pp-stratego pretty-prints ...
unparsePT is a tool that transforms parse trees in the AsFix2ME format to the flat text the parse tree represents. Main.MartinBravenboer 22 Apr 2004
Name visamb display the ambiguities in a parse tree represented in AsFix2 Synopsis Description The SDF2 implementation caters for arbitrary context-free grammars ...
SEARCH{". " regex "on" nosearch "on" nototal "on" order "modified" reverse "on" limit "50" nosummary "on" format " $topic(30,...) $date $wikiusername "}
XT: Transformation Tools XT is a bundle of tools for building program transformation systems. The tools include parser generation, pretty-printing, abstract syntax ...
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Home XT Tools Reference Docs GPP ATerm SDF AsFix Languages Stratego SDF ATerm Software Stratego/XT SDF2 Bundle KoalaCompiler AutoBuild DailyBuildSystem
News about XT Version 1.0 Released: Jun 14, 2002 Bundles the most recent versions of XT's sub-component's. See the file XT 1 0 for the complete list of packages bundled ...
WebNotify is a subscription service to be automatically notified by email when topics change in the TWiki.Tools web. This is a convenient service, so you do not have ...
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TWiki's INCLUDINGWEB web SCRIPTURL /view SCRIPTSUFFIX / INCLUDINGWEB XT A Bundle of Program Transformation Tools INCLUDE{" TWIKIWEB .WebRssBase"}
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Statistics for TWiki.Tools Web Month: Topic Views: Topic Saves: Attachment Uploads: Most Popular Topic Views: Top Contributors for Topic Save and Uploads: Feb 2008 ...
How to InstallXT Trash.HowToConnectParsersAndPrettyPrintersToYourStrategoPrograms HowToDefinePrettyPrintTables HowToObtainAbstractSyntaxTrees HowToPrettyPrintAGrammar ...
Components of xml-front XML syntax definition in SDF concrete syntax for XML in Stratego xml-info language for the representation of XML documents in ATerms STARTINCLUDE ...
Under construction Main.MartinBravenboer 12 Jul 2003 Introduction The xml-info language is a representation of an XML document in the format. The XmlInfo xml-info ...
The parse-xml-info tool of xml-tools parses the input against the xml grammar and returns the result in xml-info format. This tool rewrites standard and well-known ...
The pp-xml-info tool pretty prints xml-info to text. This is a hand-crafted printer. It is written using the Stratego.StrategoBox approach. In fact the tool pp-xml ...
Conversion to ATerms with knowledge of a schema for the XML document is called interpretation of XML against a schema. This kind of conversion is work in pogress, ...
xml-tools contains a syntax definition in Stratego.SDF for Transform.XML. This syntax defintion is not competely compatible with XML, but it tries to do the job as ...
Summary Converts an XML document to a comparable ATerm. Description See the description of aterm2xml.
TOC Introduction RED This packages is not being maintained at the moment. Some parts of it have been mvoed to xml-front, which is now part of StrategoXT. Maybe the ...
After version 1.0 the distribution of XT has been merged with the distribution of Stratego. This distribution is called Stratego.StrategoXT. See Stratego Download ...
XT 1.0 Download version 1.0 of XT: XT 1.0 is a collection of the following packages: aterm-1.6.7 from http ...

Number of topics: 108