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A TXL solution to Chairmarks #1.3, the begin-end syntax extension for the Imperative Language. TXL is designed for implementing language extensions, so adding a new ...
The Chairmarks are a small set of little benchmark transformation tasks, all based on the Imperative Language (TIL). They are called "chairmarks" because they are ...
TXL solution to Chairmarks #5.1: A complete Imperative Language interpreter implemented as a standalone TXL source transformation. No other libraries or support modules ...
TXL solution for Chairmarks #1: A parser for the Imperative Language (TIL) implemented in TXL. This is the entire solution, run using the command "txl program.til ...
In TXL, all parsers are also pretty printers, so see the Parser Using TXL if comments are not an issue. Because the TXL solution to preserving formatting and comments ...
Imperative Language (TIL) Example Programs Only a couple so far, hopefully many more to come. We've assumed a C++ style commenting convention for the TIL language ...
The proposal is to have several software transformation systems implement a Tiger compiler. Tiger resources The Tiger language reference is in the Transform.ModernCompilerImplementationInML ...
This is a proposal for a Tiny Imperative Language for setting tiny benchmarks of source transformation systems such as the Chairmarks. Main.EelcoVisser Main.JamesCordy ...
TXL solution to Chairmarks #4.4: Type inference. This example implements type inference for untyped variables in a TIL program and flags all type conflicts and ambiguous ...

Number of topics: 9