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Results from Stratego web
See Sdf.GeneralizedLR at the SDF web
GPP is the Generic Pretty Printer package. Checkout Tools.GenericPrettyPrinter for more information.
Generic term deconstruction decomposes a constructor application into its constructor and the list with children. This can be done using the # operator. The match ...
A generic traversal is a traversal strategy that is parameterized with the transformation or transformations that should be applied when visiting subterms. The generic ...
Generic term traversal operators support te definition of term traversal strategies like topdown and bottomup . Operators available in Stratego are: one applies a ...
See term traversal Main.EelcoVisser 14 Jun 2003
Eric Bouwers, Martin Bravenboer, and Eelco Visser. Grammar Engineering Support for Precedence Rule Recovery and Compatibility Checking. In Proceedings of LDTA'07, ...
TOC Introduction The Stratego/XT Grammar Engineering Tools is a collection of tools for the recovery, development, testing, and maintenance of grammars. Currently ...
Added the guarded left choice operator s1 StrategoRelease07

Number of topics: 9