Searched: ^c
Results from Stratego web
The c-tools package contains: a SDF syntax definition, a Printer, and Signatures for the C language. Using c-tools you can generate C code with Syntax for the C language ...
TOC Introduction CX is an aterm bridge for CIL, an existing C front-end implement in OCaml. The Stratego/XT-based package CX uses this bridge to read C code. CX will ...
Success and failure in Stratego allows one to avoid computing with Boolean values all the time. However, sometimes it is necessary to capture the failure (or success ...
The category of categories. SEARCH{search "CategoryCategory" regex on format " $topic " nosearch "on"}
SEARCH{"CategoryCompiler" format " $topic " noheader "on" nosearch "on"} CategoryCategory
SEARCH{search "CategoryConcreteObjectSyntax" nosummary "on" scope "text" noheader "on" nosearch "on" nototal "on" format " $topic "} CategoryCategory
SEARCH{search "CategoryGlossary" nosummary "on" scope "text" noheader "on" nosearch "on" nototal "on" format " $topic "} CategoryCategory
SEARCH{search "CategoryInstallation" nosummary "on" scope "text" noheader "on" nosearch "on" nototal "on" format " $topic "} CategoryCategory
The Category of StrategoLanguage applications. Click on the title to get them all. Transform.CategoryCategory
A few months ago I proposed to introduce character literals in Stratego as syntactic sugar for the integer ASCII value of the character. I would like to raise this ...
Homepage: CobolX is a transformation system for Transform.COBOL developed by Main.HedzerWestra based on StrategoLanguage and ...
CodeBoost is a tool for source-to-source transformation and optimisation of C++ programs. It is intended to be used as a testbed for various high-level optimisations ...
CodeBoostI JanHeering TBDinesh CodeBoostII MagneHaveraaen OttoSkroveBagge EelcoVisser
The CodeBoost distribution is available for download at Main.OttoSkroveBagge 20 Jan 2002
CodeBoostI was the first CodeBoost prototype, implemented in ASF+SDF. It is described in a paper 1 by TBDinesh, MagneHaveraaen and JanHeering.
CodeBoostII is the second version of CodeBoost, described on these web pages. Its main advantage of CodeBoostI is that it performs SemanticAnalysis, allowing for more ...
The software for the Code Generation 2009 Tutorial is available through a virtual machine. To run this virtual machine you need a recent version of VirtualBox (version ...
Jonne van Wijngaarden, Code Generation from a Domain Specific Language. Designing and Implementing Complex Program Transformations MSc Thesis INF/SCR-03-29, Institute ...
This page will contain information for the participants in the Code Generation 2009 Hands-On Stratego/XT tutorial. Main.EelcoVisser 18 May 2009
Layout and naming conventions for the language Guidelines how to layout your Stratego code Conventions how to chose names for strategies, rules, variables and modules ...
Karl Trygve Kalleberg and Eelco Visser. Combining Aspect-Oriented and Strategic Programming . RULE 2005. In H. Cirstea and N. Martí-Oliet, editors, Proceedings of ...
and copy propagation performs a forward propagation of known term expressions. This may result in multiple of (parts of) the same term. A common-subexpression elimination ...
This page lists ideas for improvement of the StrategoCompiler. Please add ideas and bug reports to the appropriate sub-topic. ImplementationScheme StrategoOptimization ... Transform.ZinoBenaissa and Transform.EelcoVisser working on first StrategoCompiler at the Oregon ...
K. Olmos and E. Visser. Composing Source-to-Source Data-Flow Transformations with Rewriting Strategies and Dependent Dynamic Rewrite Rules. In R. Bodik, editor, 14th ...
syntax written using prefix constructor terms can become rather unreadable when patterns become large. Therefore it is attractrive to write rules using the concrete ...
M. Bravenboer and E. Visser. Concrete Syntax for Objects. Domain-Specific Language Embedding and Assimilation without Restrictions. In D. C. Schmidt, editor, Proceedings ...
TOC Description The concrete-syntax package provides parse-cs, a generic program for parsing programs with embedded syntax. The program is parameterized with meta ...
A term consisting of a constructor C and subterms ti: C(t1, t2, ..., tn) defines a congruence operator C(s1, s2, ..., sn) This is an operator that first matches a ...
Martin Bravenboer. Connecting XML Processing and Term Rewriting with Tree Grammars . Institute of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University, The Netherlands ...
When the current subject term is known for a match action, the bindings it induces can be propagated to the uses of the variables in the pattern. This is a data-flow ...
Constant propagation is a data-flow optimization in which assignments of a constant value to a variable are propagated to the use of that variable. The following paper ...
Terms are constructed dynamically, even when they are are constant at compile time. Constant term caching is a transformation that lifts out constant terms and constructs ...
TOC Description A contextual rule is a rule in which the left-hand side and right-hand side terms contain contexts of the form x t . A typical example of a contextual ...
INCLUDE{WebNotice} The buildfarm continuously builds Stratego/XT and related packages. The distributions contain the latest of the latest developments. Although the ...
Each rule or strategy applies to an implicit subject term. See versus strategies for a discussion. Visser 13 May 2003 The implicit current subject term is related ...

Number of topics: 37