Searched: Stratego *Idiom[^A-Za-z]
Results from Stratego web
for the Stratego Tutorial at ETAPS 2002 language constructs: overview of topics covering constructs of the language Glossary: explanation of terminology Card data ...
patterns is a idiom for checking the format of terms by means of recursion and congruences. This idiom is useful for checking the conformance of terms to some signature ...
A StrategoIdiom is a standard method for solving some problem in a StrategoLanguage specification. StrategoRefactorings are methods for transforming a Stratego specification ...
This page starts a collection of tips for programming in Stratego. Programming standards layout and naming conventions techniques idiom standard methods for solving ...
The rules mechanism can be used to enable a set of rules. TriggerRules ?Context(Bla, ); rules( A : ... ... B : ... ... ) traverse rec x({ A, B : try(TriggerRules ...

Number of topics: 5