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Results from PHP web
Any data that comes from outside the script should be considered tainted data. This includes user-input, database-results, file-system data or anything else that is ...
The pr-department proudly presents the following list of activities. Talks PHP-sat has been the subject of the following talks: 2006-11-09: Software Technology Colloquium ...
We would like to thank the following people/projects/institutes for contributing to PHP-SAT: (In alphabetical order) Bravenboer, Martin For being my mentor during ...
The empty module is a top-level directory in the SVN-repository which contains everything you need to start your own project based on PHP-Front. The special name that ...
These pages describe how you can set-up your PHP-Front-based project. We will use a real-life example to explain all the steps that are involved in making a PHP-Front ...

Number of topics: 5