Searched: Klaus *Ostermann[^A-Za-z]
Results from GPCE06 web
Salvador Trujillo, Don Batory and Oscar Diaz. Feature Refactoring a Multi-Representation Program into a Product Line Sven Apel and Don Batory. When to Use Features ...
The OOPSLA'06 Advance Program, including GPCE-related events, is available now. Workshops Sunday, October 22 Aspect-Oriented Product Line Engineering (AOPLE) 8:30am ...
Tuesday, October 24 8:30-10:00 Technical papers: Staging Session chair: Eelco Visser Samuel Kamin, Baris Aktemur and Michael Katelman. Staging static analyses for ...

Number of topics: 3
Results from GPCE08 web
Technical Papers Sunday, October 19 8:50-9:00 Welcome 9:00-10:00 Keynote Session Chair: Julia Lawall Emerging Challenges for Large Scale Systems Integration Dr. Andrew ...

Number of topics: 1
Results from GPCE09 web

General Chair: Jeremy Siek (University of Colorado at Boulder, United States of America) Program Chair: Bernd Fischer (University of Southampton, United Kingdom) Program ...

Number of topics: 1
Results from GPCE10 web
Arie Middelkoop, S. Doaitse Swierstra and Atze Dijkstra: Iterative Type Inference with Attribute Grammars Matthias P. Krieger, Alexander Knapp and Burkhart Wolff ...
CALL FOR PAPERS (txt,pdf) INCLUDE{ConferenceHeader} Important Dates Submission of abstracts: PAPERPRESUBMISSION Submission of papers: PAPERSUBMISSION Author notification ...
General Chair: Eelco Visser (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands) Program Chair: Jaakko Järvi (Texas A M University, United States of America) Program ...
#TutorialSchedule Sunday, October 10 All Sunday activities will take place in Academisch Genootschap Eindhoven. The tutorials will take place in the Meerlezaal, FOSD ...

Number of topics: 4
Results from GPCE11 web
Jeroen Arnoldus, Mark Van Den Brand and Alexander Serebrenik: Less is More: Unparser-completeness of Metalanguages for Template Engines Marko Rosenmueller, Norbert ...
Registration: Salon Foyer (Hilton Executive Tower, downstairs) Conference location: Salon Ballroom I and II (Hilton Executive Tower, downstairs) #TechnicalSchedule1 ...
Abstract : Large software projects consist of code written in a multitude of different (possibly domain-speci #64257;c) languages, which are often deeply interspersed ...

Number of topics: 3
Results from GPCE12 web
CALL FOR PAPERS INCLUDE{ConferenceHeader} Important Dates Submission of papers: PAPERSUBMISSION Author notification: PAPERNOTIFICATION Scope Generative and component ...
General Chair: Klaus Ostermann (University of Marburg, Germany) Program Chair: Walter Binder (University of Lugano, Switzerland) Program Committee Members: Benoit ...
September 24, 2012 FOSD September 25, 2012 FOSD SLE Doctoral Symposium GPCE 18:15 GPCE/SLE/FOSD Welcome Reception September 26, 2012 SLE GPCE 09:10-09:15 Opening ...
Registration to GPCE'12 is now open. Please register here.
How do you improve the behavior of a software team? There will always be team members who are great at quickly producing a new prototype, and others who do a great ...
Information about the GPCE venue has been prepared by the local organizers here. For hotel reservations you can use the Registration.

Number of topics: 6
Results from GPCE13 web
How do you improve the behavior of a software team? There will always be team members who are great at quickly producing a new prototype, and others who do a great ...
Information about the GPCE venue has been prepared by the local organizers here. For hotel reservations you can use the Registration.

Number of topics: 2
Results from GPCE14 web
Andreas Ruprecht, Bernhard Heinloth and Daniel Lohmann: Automatic Feature Selection in Large-Scale System-Software Product Lines Benjamin Hess, Markus Pueschel and ...
September 14, 2013 FOSD Workshop September 15, 2013 Welcome and Keynote 08:30-09:00 Welcome and Introduction 09:00-10:00 SLE Keynote: From Language Engineering to ...
How do you improve the behavior of a software team? There will always be team members who are great at quickly producing a new prototype, and others who do a great ...
Information about the GPCE venue has been prepared by the local organizers here. For hotel reservations you can use the Registration.

Number of topics: 4
Results from Main web
Group with write access to Gpceorg.WebHome Set GROUP Main.EelcoVisser JaakkoJarvi RobEconomopoulos JuliaLawall EwenDenney PeterKim KlausOstermann WalterBinder MatthiasHauswirth ...

Number of topics: 1
Results from PEPM08 web
Program Chairs Robert Gl ck (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) Oege de Moor (Oxford University, UK) Program Committee Members Kenichi Asai (Ochanomizu University ...

Number of topics: 1
Results from PEPM13 web
Program Chairs Elvira Albert (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain) Shin-Cheng Mu (Academia Sinica, Taiwan) Program Committee Members María Alpuente (Technical ...

Number of topics: 1
Results from WGLD web
Officers Chair: Tijs van der Storm Vice-Chair: Heather Miller Secretary: Jonathan Edwards Members Name Affiliation Country Member Since Jonathan Aldrich Carnegie ...
Dates: April 20-24 (Mon-Fri), 2015. Venue: Athens, Greece Host: Yannis Smaragdakis Venue The meeting will take place at the University of Athens Club (Kostis Palamas ...
Dates: May 14-18, 2018 Venue: Antwerp, Belgium Host: Tom Van Cutsem super.jpg Slides The slides ...
Dates: 2019 November 11–15 Venue: Hôtel Nice Beau Rivage, Nice, FR Host: Manuel Serrano The hotel booking form is attached at the bottom. In response to concerns ...

Number of topics: 4