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18 Nov 2003 - 20:29 - NEW   EelcoVisser

This is the website for Strategies for Program Transformation, a book on program transformation with Stratego/XT. The book is currently in draft form. A future version might be published. New versions of chapters will be added over time.

For each chapter there is a separate wiki page that will be used to place additional material such as sample code, and which can also be used to post comments about the chapter.



05 Dec 2003 - 16:30 - r1.2   EelcoVisser

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In the previous chapter we saw that pure term rewriting is not adequate for term rewriting because of the lack of control over the application of rules. Approaches for encoding such control within the pure rewriting paradigm lead to functionalized control by means of extra rules and constructors at the expense of traversal overhead and at the loss of the separation of rules and strategies. We need a mechanism that provides such control, but maintains the separation of rules and strategies and keeps traversal overhead to a minimum. Such a mechanism should allow strategies parameterized with selections from the available rules.

Also we saw that many transformation problems can be solved by alternative strategies such as a one-pass bottom-up or top-down traversal. Others can be solved by selecting the rules that are applied in an innermost normalization, rather than all the rules in a specification. However, no fixed set of such alternative strategies will be sufficient for dealing with all transformation problems. Rather than providing one or a few fixed rewriting strategies, we need to be able to compose strategies from basic building blocks with a few fundamental operators.

In program transformation, the basic building blocks are single rewrite steps, for example defined by a rewrite rule. This chapter introduces a set of operators for composing such single step transformations into complex transformations. By allowing abstraction over the basic transformation, generic transformation strategies can be defined. The combinators discussed in this chapter cover sequential programming and type-specific traversal. Extensions of this basic framework will be considered in later chapters.



Lacks discussion of literature.



14 Dec 2003 - 13:15 - r1.3   EelcoVisser

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So far we have assumed the basic actions applied by strategies are rewrite rules. However, taking a closer look at rules, we see that they are actually composed from several ingredients, i.e., matching the pattern in the left-hand side, verifying the side conditions, and instantiating the pattern on the right-hand side. In addition, a rule implicitly delimits the scope of the variables that it uses. If we take rules apart and make their components available as first-class strategy actions, many interesting idioms can be expressed directly.

This chapter introduces the strategy actions match (?p), build (p), and scope ({x1,...,xn:s}), and shows how unconditional and conditional rewrite rules can be expressed in terms of these actions. Many other language constructs that involve matching can also be expressed in terms of these operations.





14 Dec 2003 - 12:58 - r1.2   EelcoVisser

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In the previous chapters we saw how strategies can be used to control transformations and how rules can be broken down into the primitive actions match, build and scope. Together, these combinators allow us to define any transformation. However, the definition of traversals using congruence operators is specific for a data-type. Although a one step traversal can be factored out of the definition of full tree traversals, there are no generic definitions of traversals. This entails, that traversals should be defined for each data type.

In this chapter we introduce combinators for generic term traversal, that support data type independent definition of traversals, which can be reused for any data type. Furthermore, the strategies that we have inspected so far are geared to transform terms while preserving types, i.e., rephrasings according to the taxonomy in Chapter Program Transformation. There is also a class of transformations, in which terms are translated to a different type. In this chapter we introduce a generic term construction and decomposition operator, which allows us to define generic translation or type unifying strategies.



Very draft



14 Dec 2003 - 13:00 - r1.2   EelcoVisser

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Rewrite rules provide a good formalism for the formalization of transformation steps. However, term rewriting based on exhaustive normalization of a subject term with respect to the entire set of rewrite rules turns out not to be adequate for program transformation. In this chapter the problems associated with term rewriting are explored, and several proposed solutions are examined.




14 Dec 2003 - 13:03 - r1.3   EelcoVisser

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Program transformation systems need some kind of representation for program that can be manipulated. Programmers write programs as texts using text editors. Some programming environments provide more graphical (visual) interfaces for programmers to specify certain domain-specific ingredients (e.g., user interface components). But ultimately, such environments have a textual interface for specifying the details. Even if programs are written in a `structured format' such as XML, the representation used by programmers generally is text. So a program transformation system needs to manipulate programs in text format.

However, for all but the most trivial transformations, a structured rather than a textual representation is needed. To bridge the gap between textual and structured representation, parsers and unparsers are needed. Since the theory of formal languages, context-free and regular grammars, and parser construction are standard fair, we will not treat those subjects here. The purpose of this chapter is to introduce the terminology and formalisms used in the rest of this book. This includes formal syntax definition with the syntax definition formalism SDF, parsing, representation of trees as ATerms, mapping of parse trees to abstract syntax trees, and pretty-printing using the target-independent Box language. We illustrate these concepts with a syntax definition for a subset of the Tiger language used in the rest of this book.




25 Nov 2003 - 20:12 - NEW   EelcoVisser


Many systems for program transformation exist that are often specialized for a specific object language and/or kind of transformation. All these systems share many ideas about program transformation and use similar techniques, but are often ad-hoc in many respects. The ultimate goal is to achieve a specification language or family of specification languages for the high-level, declarative specification of program transformation systems in which generic, language independent schemas of transformation can be captured, and which admits efficient implementation of those transformations that can scale up to large programs.

This book describes one contribution towards this goal, the Stratego/XT language and toolset for the construction of program transformation systems. In this chapter the requirements and design space for transformation systems are explored.




25 Nov 2003 - 20:12 - NEW   EelcoVisser


Many systems for program transformation exist that are often specialized for a specific object language and/or kind of transformation. All these systems share many ideas about program transformation and use similar techniques, but are often ad-hoc in many respects. The ultimate goal is to achieve a specification language or family of specification languages for the high-level, declarative specification of program transformation systems in which generic, language independent schemas of transformation can be captured, and which admits efficient implementation of those transformations that can scale up to large programs.

This book describes one contribution towards this goal, the Stratego/XT language and toolset for the construction of program transformation systems. In this chapter the requirements and design space for transformation systems are explored.




14 Dec 2003 - 13:01 - r1.2   EelcoVisser

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Meta-programs manipulate structured representations (abstract syntax) of programs. The distance between the concrete syntax meta-programmers use to reason about programs and the notation for abstract syntax manipulation provided by general purpose (meta-) programming languages is too large for many applications. In this chapter it is shown how the syntax definition formalism SDF can be employed to fit a meta-programming language with concrete syntax notation for composing and analyzing object programs. As a case study, the addition of concrete syntax to the program transformation language Stratego is presented. The approach is then generalized to arbitrary meta-languages.




14 Dec 2003 - 13:09 - r1.2   EelcoVisser

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The applicability of term rewriting to program transformation is limited by the lack of control over rule application and by the context-free nature of rewrite rules. The first problem is addressed by user-definable rewriting strategies. This chapter addresses the second problem by extending rewriting strategies with scoped dynamic rewrite rules. Dynamic rules are generated at run-time and can access variables available from their definition context. Rules generated within a rule scope are automatically retracted at the end of that scope. The technique is illustrated by means of several program tranformations: bound variable renaming, function inlining, and dead function elimination.




25 Nov 2003 - 20:15 - NEW   EelcoVisser

See Part I



14 Dec 2003 - 13:02 - r1.2   EelcoVisser

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In the previous chapter we saw how terms provide a structured representation for programs derived from a formal definition of the syntax of the programming language. Transforming programs then requires tranformation of terms. There are various ways such transformations could be defined. In this chapter we consider the paradigm of term rewriting for specifying program transformations. In term rewriting a term is transformed by repeated application of rewrite rules. In the first section we first examine the equivalence of expressions and equational reasoning. Then we will formally define term patterns, substitution, term pattern matching, rewrite rules, and normalization with respect to a set of rewrite rules.




22 Dec 2003 - 17:03 - NEW   EelcoVisser

For announcements of new version, questions and remarks about chapters, subscribe to the following mailinglist:



14 Dec 2003 - 13:05 - r1.5   EelcoVisser


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This introductory part provides a global overview of the field of program transformation. Chapter Program Transformation introduces a taxonomy of applications of program transformation illustrated with many example transformations. Chapter Program Transformation Systems discusses the requirements for and issues in the realization of program transformation systems. Chapter Roadmap provides a roadmap for the rest of the book.




19 Nov 2003 - 00:12 - NEW   EelcoVisser

Program Transformation by Term Rewriting



05 Dec 2003 - 16:33 - r1.2   EelcoVisser

Programmable Rewriting Strategies



Rewrite rules provide a good formalism for expressing basic program transformation steps. However, rewriting has a number of limitations. First, since most sets of rules are not confluent and/or terminating, exhaustive application of rules is not adequate; more careful control over the application of rewrite rules is needed.

Chapter In Control of Rewriting surveys several solutions to controlling rewriting. Most solutions for the encoding of control suffer from a substantial overhead in the definition of traversals and/or intertwine transformation rules and strategy. The paradigm of programmable rewriting strategies provides a solution with minimal overhead for traversal, while maintaining the separation of rules and strategies.

Chapter Composing Strategies to Chapter Generic Traversal Strategies introduce combinators for the composition of programmable strategies. Chapter Composing Strategies introduces combinators for sequential non-deterministic programming and for data type specific traversal using congruence operators. Chapter First Class Pattern Matching reduces rewrite rules to the more primitive strategy actions match, build, and scope. The availability of first class patterns allows many other operations involving pattern matching. Data type specific traversal with congruence operators does solve the separation between rules and strategies, but not the overhead caused by the specification of traversals. Chapter Generic Traversal Strategies shows how combinators for generic traversal can concisely capture traversal schemata independent of any object language.

Another limitation of rewriting is that rewrite rules are context-free. That is, only local information available during the pattern match can be used in a transformation step. In Chapter Scoped Dynamic Rewrite Rules the paradigm of rewriting strategies is extended with scoped dynamic rewrite rules, rules which are generated at run-time to inherit context information.



27 Aug 2002 - 08:00 - NEW   EelcoVisser

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Stratego Home of Stratego web Search Stratego web Recent changes in the Stratego web Get notified of changes to the Stratego web The Stratego web is the home of Stratego, a language for program transformation based on the paradigm of rewriting strategies. The aim of this language is to provide an expressive and declarative language for expressing all kinds of program transformations. The web includes publications on Stratego, download of the StrategoCompiler, documentation, and descriptions of applications. ...
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25 Nov 2003 - 20:04 - r1.3   EelcoVisser

Part I Introduction

Part II Program Transformation by Term Rewriting

Part III Programmable Rewriting Strategies



01 Feb 2005 - 22:56 - r1.15   EelcoVisser

Strategies for Program Transformation

An Introduction to Program Transformation with Stratego/XT


Eelco Visser



The complete draft book is now available as a single PDF file.

We have also started developing an online manual. See the strategoxt-manual project at

Copying and Citing

copyright © 2003,2004 Eelco Visser

The book chapters that are published here are intended to provide an overview of the main ideas behind the Stratego language and XT toolset. Since the current version is a draft, it should not be considered as the definitive source about Stratego/XT.

The copyright is with the author, Eelco Visser. The book chapters password protected and are available on request ( Re-distribution of material published here is not allowed. When referring to the website use the following URL:

When referring to Stratego/XT in publications, please refer to the relevant published papers. Good general references are 'Building Program Optimizers with Rewriting Strategies' and 'Program Transformation with StrategoXT'.

When citing the book in a publication use the following BibTeX entry:

  author = {Eelco Visser},
  title = {Strategies for Program Transformation.
           {An} Introduction to Program Transformation 
           with Stratego/XT},
  year = 2003,
  note = {},
  url = {}



25 Nov 2003 - 15:14 - NEW   EelcoVisser



Chapter 11: Scoped Dynamic Rewrite Rules


Chapter 10: Generic Traversal Strategies


Chapter 9: First Class Pattern Matching


Chapter 8: Composing Strategies


Chapter 7: In Control of Rewriting


Chapter 6: Program Transformation with Concrete Object Syntax

Chapter 5: Term Rewriting


Chapter 4: Program Representation


Chapters 1 - 3: Introduction


Creation of a website for the Stratego book.



20 Sep 2002 - 08:37 - NEW   EelcoVisser



23 Apr 2002 - 19:46 - r1.2   EelcoVisser

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PartI? 14 Dec 2003 - 13:05 EelcoVisser
ChapterProgramRepresentation? 14 Dec 2003 - 13:03 EelcoVisser
ChapterTermRewriting? 14 Dec 2003 - 13:02 EelcoVisser
ChapterProgramTransformationWithConcreteObjectSyntax? 14 Dec 2003 - 13:01 EelcoVisser
ChapterInControlOfRewriting? 14 Dec 2003 - 13:00 EelcoVisser
ChapterGenericTraversalStrategies? 14 Dec 2003 - 12:58 EelcoVisser
PartIII? 05 Dec 2003 - 16:33 EelcoVisser
ChapterComposingStrategies? 05 Dec 2003 - 16:30 EelcoVisser
ChapterStrategiesForProgramTransformationARoadmap? 25 Nov 2003 - 20:15 EelcoVisser
ChapterProgramTransformationSystems? 25 Nov 2003 - 20:12 EelcoVisser
ChapterProgramTransformation? 25 Nov 2003 - 20:12 EelcoVisser
TableOfContents? 25 Nov 2003 - 20:04 EelcoVisser
TitlePageInContents? 25 Nov 2003 - 15:14 EelcoVisser
WebNewsInBar? 25 Nov 2003 - 15:08 EelcoVisser
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WebChanges 23 Apr 2002 - 19:46 EelcoVisser
WebNotify 23 Jan 2002 - 14:21 EelcoVisser
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See also



23 Apr 2002 - 19:53 - NEW   EelcoVisser

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MailingList 22 Dec 2003 - 17:03 EelcoVisser
WebNews 14 Dec 2003 - 14:05 EelcoVisser
ChapterFirstClassPatternMatching? 14 Dec 2003 - 13:15 EelcoVisser
ChapterScopedDynamicRewriteRules? 14 Dec 2003 - 13:09 EelcoVisser
PartI? 14 Dec 2003 - 13:05 EelcoVisser
ChapterProgramRepresentation? 14 Dec 2003 - 13:03 EelcoVisser
ChapterTermRewriting? 14 Dec 2003 - 13:02 EelcoVisser
ChapterProgramTransformationWithConcreteObjectSyntax? 14 Dec 2003 - 13:01 EelcoVisser
ChapterInControlOfRewriting? 14 Dec 2003 - 13:00 EelcoVisser
ChapterGenericTraversalStrategies? 14 Dec 2003 - 12:58 EelcoVisser
PartIII? 05 Dec 2003 - 16:33 EelcoVisser
ChapterComposingStrategies? 05 Dec 2003 - 16:30 EelcoVisser
ChapterStrategiesForProgramTransformationARoadmap? 25 Nov 2003 - 20:15 EelcoVisser
ChapterProgramTransformationSystems? 25 Nov 2003 - 20:12 EelcoVisser
ChapterProgramTransformation? 25 Nov 2003 - 20:12 EelcoVisser
TableOfContents? 25 Nov 2003 - 20:04 EelcoVisser
TitlePageInContents? 25 Nov 2003 - 15:14 EelcoVisser
WebNewsInBar? 25 Nov 2003 - 15:08 EelcoVisser
PartII? 19 Nov 2003 - 00:12 EelcoVisser
AboutThisBook? 18 Nov 2003 - 20:29 EelcoVisser
UpdateWebPages 20 Sep 2002 - 08:37 EelcoVisser
SiteMap 27 Aug 2002 - 08:00 EelcoVisser
WebChanges500 23 Apr 2002 - 20:09 EelcoVisser
WebChanges200 23 Apr 2002 - 20:05 EelcoVisser
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WebChanges 23 Apr 2002 - 19:46 EelcoVisser
WebNotify 23 Jan 2002 - 14:21 EelcoVisser
WebIndex 23 Jan 2002 - 14:20 EelcoVisser
WebTools 08 Nov 2001 - 09:49 TWikiGuest
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23 Apr 2002 - 20:05 - NEW   EelcoVisser

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TitlePage? 01 Feb 2005 - 22:56 EelcoVisser
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MailingList 22 Dec 2003 - 17:03 EelcoVisser
WebNews 14 Dec 2003 - 14:05 EelcoVisser
ChapterFirstClassPatternMatching? 14 Dec 2003 - 13:15 EelcoVisser
ChapterScopedDynamicRewriteRules? 14 Dec 2003 - 13:09 EelcoVisser
PartI? 14 Dec 2003 - 13:05 EelcoVisser
ChapterProgramRepresentation? 14 Dec 2003 - 13:03 EelcoVisser
ChapterTermRewriting? 14 Dec 2003 - 13:02 EelcoVisser
ChapterProgramTransformationWithConcreteObjectSyntax? 14 Dec 2003 - 13:01 EelcoVisser
ChapterInControlOfRewriting? 14 Dec 2003 - 13:00 EelcoVisser
ChapterGenericTraversalStrategies? 14 Dec 2003 - 12:58 EelcoVisser
PartIII? 05 Dec 2003 - 16:33 EelcoVisser
ChapterComposingStrategies? 05 Dec 2003 - 16:30 EelcoVisser
ChapterStrategiesForProgramTransformationARoadmap? 25 Nov 2003 - 20:15 EelcoVisser
ChapterProgramTransformationSystems? 25 Nov 2003 - 20:12 EelcoVisser
ChapterProgramTransformation? 25 Nov 2003 - 20:12 EelcoVisser
TableOfContents? 25 Nov 2003 - 20:04 EelcoVisser
TitlePageInContents? 25 Nov 2003 - 15:14 EelcoVisser
WebNewsInBar? 25 Nov 2003 - 15:08 EelcoVisser
PartII? 19 Nov 2003 - 00:12 EelcoVisser
AboutThisBook? 18 Nov 2003 - 20:29 EelcoVisser
UpdateWebPages 20 Sep 2002 - 08:37 EelcoVisser
SiteMap 27 Aug 2002 - 08:00 EelcoVisser
WebChanges500 23 Apr 2002 - 20:09 EelcoVisser
WebChanges200 23 Apr 2002 - 20:05 EelcoVisser
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WebChanges 23 Apr 2002 - 19:46 EelcoVisser
WebNotify 23 Jan 2002 - 14:21 EelcoVisser
WebIndex 23 Jan 2002 - 14:20 EelcoVisser
WebTools 08 Nov 2001 - 09:49 TWikiGuest
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23 Apr 2002 - 20:09 - NEW   EelcoVisser

Topic Changed By
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TitlePage? 01 Feb 2005 - 22:56 EelcoVisser
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MailingList 22 Dec 2003 - 17:03 EelcoVisser
WebNews 14 Dec 2003 - 14:05 EelcoVisser
ChapterFirstClassPatternMatching? 14 Dec 2003 - 13:15 EelcoVisser
ChapterScopedDynamicRewriteRules? 14 Dec 2003 - 13:09 EelcoVisser
PartI? 14 Dec 2003 - 13:05 EelcoVisser
ChapterProgramRepresentation? 14 Dec 2003 - 13:03 EelcoVisser
ChapterTermRewriting? 14 Dec 2003 - 13:02 EelcoVisser
ChapterProgramTransformationWithConcreteObjectSyntax? 14 Dec 2003 - 13:01 EelcoVisser
ChapterInControlOfRewriting? 14 Dec 2003 - 13:00 EelcoVisser
ChapterGenericTraversalStrategies? 14 Dec 2003 - 12:58 EelcoVisser
PartIII? 05 Dec 2003 - 16:33 EelcoVisser
ChapterComposingStrategies? 05 Dec 2003 - 16:30 EelcoVisser
ChapterStrategiesForProgramTransformationARoadmap? 25 Nov 2003 - 20:15 EelcoVisser
ChapterProgramTransformationSystems? 25 Nov 2003 - 20:12 EelcoVisser
ChapterProgramTransformation? 25 Nov 2003 - 20:12 EelcoVisser
TableOfContents? 25 Nov 2003 - 20:04 EelcoVisser
TitlePageInContents? 25 Nov 2003 - 15:14 EelcoVisser
WebNewsInBar? 25 Nov 2003 - 15:08 EelcoVisser
PartII? 19 Nov 2003 - 00:12 EelcoVisser
AboutThisBook? 18 Nov 2003 - 20:29 EelcoVisser
UpdateWebPages 20 Sep 2002 - 08:37 EelcoVisser
SiteMap 27 Aug 2002 - 08:00 EelcoVisser
WebChanges500 23 Apr 2002 - 20:09 EelcoVisser
WebChanges200 23 Apr 2002 - 20:05 EelcoVisser
WebChanges100 23 Apr 2002 - 19:53 EelcoVisser
WebChanges 23 Apr 2002 - 19:46 EelcoVisser
WebNotify 23 Jan 2002 - 14:21 EelcoVisser
WebIndex 23 Jan 2002 - 14:20 EelcoVisser
WebTools 08 Nov 2001 - 09:49 TWikiGuest
WebSearch 08 Aug 2001 - 05:26 PeterThoeny



28 Apr 2005 - 22:24 - NEW



03 Jun 2004 - 14:25 - r1.3   EelcoVisser

Strategies for Program Transformation

An Introduction to Program Transformation with Stratego/XT


Eelco Visser





23 Jan 2002 - 14:20 - r1.2   EelcoVisser

Number of topics: 36



19 Mar 2008 - 23:14 - r1.4   TWikiGuest

incest porn

Title page

Part I

Part II

Part III



14 Dec 2003 - 14:05 - r1.7   EelcoVisser


Chapter 11: Scoped Dynamic Rewrite Rules


Chapter 10: Generic Traversal Strategies


Chapter 9: First Class Pattern Matching


Chapter 8: Composing Strategies


Chapter 7: In Control of Rewriting


Chapter 6: Program Transformation with Concrete Object Syntax

Chapter 5: Term Rewriting


Chapter 4: Program Representation


Chapters 1 - 3: Introduction


Creation of a website for the Stratego book.



25 Nov 2003 - 15:08 - NEW   EelcoVisser



Chapter 11: Scoped Dynamic Rewrite Rules


Chapter 10: Generic Traversal Strategies


Chapter 9: First Class Pattern Matching


Chapter 8: Composing Strategies


Chapter 7: In Control of Rewriting


Chapter 6: Program Transformation with Concrete Object Syntax

Chapter 5: Term Rewriting


Chapter 4: Program Representation


Chapters 1 - 3: Introduction


Creation of a website for the Stratego book.



23 Jan 2002 - 14:21 - r1.2   EelcoVisser

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06 Feb 2004 - 09:36 - r1.3   EelcoVisser

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08 Aug 2001 - 05:26 - NEW   PeterThoeny

Number of topics: 0



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233 TitlePage
198 WebHome
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122 PartI
119 TableOfContents
115 PartIII
113 WebNews
111 ChapterProgramRepresentation
105 WebChanges200
103 WebChanges100
Jul 2007 5414 0 0 919 WebStatistics
373 TitlePage
258 WebHome
219 WebNews
210 PartI
206 WebChanges
179 ChapterProgramRepresentation
161 TableOfContents
147 PartIII
136 WebChanges500
120 ChapterProgramTransformationWithConcreteObjectSyntax
Jun 2007 3636 0 0 268 WebHome
249 WebStatistics
209 TitlePage
170 PartI
149 WebNews
128 TableOfContents
124 WebChanges
119 ChapterProgramRepresentation
111 PartIII
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May 2007 3215 0 0 968 WebStatistics
216 WebHome
133 TitlePage
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Apr 2007 2739 0 0 299 WebStatistics
211 WebHome
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Mar 2007 2864 0 0 509 WebStatistics
236 WebHome
216 TitlePage
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 68 PartII
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Feb 2007 3010 0 0 539 WebStatistics
212 WebHome
202 TitlePage
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102 PartI
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Jan 2007 3610 0 0 1118 WebStatistics
215 WebHome
188 TitlePage
137 WebNotify
109 PartI
107 WebNews
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Dec 2006 2298 0 0 224 WebStatistics
210 WebHome
158 TitlePage
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Nov 2006 2741 0 0 447 WebStatistics
218 WebHome
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Oct 2006 2614 0 0 367 WebStatistics
214 WebHome
163 TitlePage
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Sep 2006 2877 0 0 428 WebStatistics
240 WebHome
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112 WebIndex
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Aug 2006 3449 0 0 890 WebStatistics
321 TitlePage
310 WebHome
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108 PartI
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Jul 2006 4635 0 0 1067 WebStatistics
351 TitlePage
307 WebHome
186 PartI
176 WebNews
159 WebIndex
122 PartIII
120 WebChanges
112 WebChanges100
109 TableOfContents
109 AboutThisBook
Jun 2006 4398 0 0 1200 WebStatistics
346 TitlePage
303 WebHome
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163 WebIndex
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121 WebNews
108 TableOfContents
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May 2006 4732 0 0 1146 WebStatistics
481 TitlePage
322 WebHome
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153 WebIndex
143 WebNews
125 PartIII
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Apr 2006 3684 0 0 811 WebStatistics
374 TitlePage
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123 PartI
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112 WebChanges
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Mar 2006 3672 0 0 822 WebStatistics
278 WebHome
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 89 MailingList
Feb 2006 2612 0 0 439 WebStatistics
225 WebHome
216 TitlePage
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Jan 2006 2680 0 0 376 WebStatistics
248 TitlePage
224 WebHome
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Dec 2005 2359 0 0 426 WebStatistics
231 TitlePage
217 WebHome
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Nov 2005 2617 0 0 640 WebStatistics
251 TitlePage
231 WebHome
102 WebIndex
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Oct 2005 2407 0 0 303 WebHome
220 TitlePage
151 WebStatistics
106 WebIndex
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Sep 2005 1183 0 0 141 WebHome
111 TitlePage
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Aug 2005 1304 0 0 209 WebHome
139 TitlePage
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Jul 2005 1634 0 0 268 WebHome
184 TitlePage
130 WebStatistics
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Jun 2005 1214 0 0 305 WebHome
143 TitlePage
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 29 WebChanges
 28 ChapterScopedDynamicRewriteRules
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May 2005 1164 0 0 270 WebHome
138 TitlePage
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 38 ChapterProgramRepresentation
 32 PartII
 31 WebStatistics
 31 ChapterProgramTransformationSystems
 29 PartIII
Apr 2005 1027 0 0 218 WebHome
158 TitlePage
 69 WebStatistics
 53 PartI
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 37 WebChanges
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 32 WebNews
 30 ChapterProgramTransformation
 24 WebNotify
 23 WebIndex
Mar 2005 1068 0 0 212 WebHome
132 TitlePage
100 WebStatistics
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 28 WebChanges200
 26 WebChanges100
 26 WebChanges500
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Feb 2005 1021 5 0 243 WebHome
172 TitlePage
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 33 ChapterProgramTransformation
 29 WebChanges
 26 WebNews
 23 WebStatistics
 22 PartIII
 22 AboutThisBook
  5 EelcoVisser
Jan 2005 998 0 0 304 WebHome
154 TitlePage
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 31 ChapterProgramRepresentation
 29 AboutThisBook
 27 WebNews
 24 PartII
 21 PartIII
 19 WebChanges
Dec 2004 1195 2 0 245 WebHome
109 TitlePage
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 44 WebChanges
 37 WebNews
 35 ChapterProgramTransformation
 29 ChapterComposingStrategies
 29 AboutThisBook
  1 MartinBravenboer
  1 EelcoVisser
Nov 2004 804 0 0 293 WebHome
107 TitlePage
 50 TableOfContents
 45 ChapterProgramRepresentation
 37 PartI
 31 ChapterProgramTransformation
 21 ChapterTermRewriting
 18 PartIII
 18 PartII
 18 ChapterFirstClassPatternMatching
 17 AboutThisBook
Oct 2004 924 0 0 322 WebHome
122 TitlePage
 79 TableOfContents
 41 ChapterProgramRepresentation
 38 PartI
 38 ChapterProgramTransformation
 28 ChapterFirstClassPatternMatching
 26 ChapterTermRewriting
 22 ChapterGenericTraversalStrategies
 21 AboutThisBook
 20 PartIII
Sep 2004 1356 0 0 695 WebHome
154 TitlePage
 73 TableOfContents
 56 ChapterProgramTransformation
 50 PartI
 36 ChapterProgramRepresentation
 22 ChapterScopedDynamicRewriteRules
 22 ChapterInControlOfRewriting
 19 PartII
 19 AboutThisBook
 18 ChapterProgramTransformationWithConcreteObjectSyntax
Aug 2004 787 0 0 337 WebHome
102 TitlePage
 50 TableOfContents
 37 ChapterProgramTransformation
 35 ChapterProgramRepresentation
 26 PartI
 18 ChapterTermRewriting
 17 AboutThisBook
 16 ChapterGenericTraversalStrategies
 12 WebNews
 12 ChapterScopedDynamicRewriteRules
Jul 2004 970 0 0 370 WebHome
132 TitlePage
 57 TableOfContents
 46 PartI
 43 ChapterProgramRepresentation
 42 ChapterProgramTransformation
 28 ChapterTermRewriting
 24 ChapterScopedDynamicRewriteRules
 22 PartIII
 22 PartII
 21 ChapterInControlOfRewriting
Jun 2004 1008 3 0 614 WebHome
 85 TitlePage
 31 TableOfContents
 31 PartI
 28 ChapterProgramRepresentation
 23 ChapterProgramTransformation
 16 ChapterScopedDynamicRewriteRules
 14 ChapterProgramTransformationSystems
 12 WebNews
 12 PartII
 12 ChapterTermRewriting
  3 EelcoVisser
May 2004 633 0 0 240 WebHome
 61 TitlePage
 41 PartI
 34 ChapterProgramRepresentation
 31 TableOfContents
 29 ChapterProgramTransformation
 21 PartII
 21 ChapterTermRewriting
 19 AboutThisBook
 17 PartIII
 11 ChapterProgramTransformationWithConcreteObjectSyntax
Apr 2004 524 0 0 220 WebHome
 43 TitlePage
 27 ChapterProgramRepresentation
 26 PartI
 24 TableOfContents
 16 ChapterProgramTransformation
 15 PartIII
 15 PartII
 15 ChapterTermRewriting
 13 WebNews
 13 AboutThisBook
Mar 2004 411 1 0 217 WebHome
 37 TitlePage
 26 TableOfContents
 11 PartI
 11 ChapterProgramTransformation
  9 AboutThisBook
  8 ChapterProgramRepresentation
  6 ChapterTermRewriting
  6 ChapterInControlOfRewriting
  5 WebNews
  5 PartII
  1 EelcoVisser
Feb 2004 736 3 0 304 WebHome
 95 TitlePage
 51 TableOfContents
 27 ChapterProgramRepresentation
 25 ChapterProgramTransformation
 24 PartI
 24 ChapterInControlOfRewriting
 23 ChapterGenericTraversalStrategies
 16 ChapterScopedDynamicRewriteRules
 13 WebPreferences
 13 ChapterFirstClassPatternMatching
  3 EelcoVisser
Jan 2004 196 0 0 113 WebHome
  8 TitlePage
  6 TableOfContents
  6 ChapterScopedDynamicRewriteRules
  6 ChapterProgramRepresentation
  5 WebNews
  5 PartIII
  5 PartI
  5 AboutThisBook
  4 PartII
  4 ChapterTermRewriting
Dec 2003 176 32 0  82 WebHome
  9 TitlePage
  9 ChapterFirstClassPatternMatching
  7 WebNews
  7 PartIII
  6 ChapterComposingStrategies
  5 TableOfContents
  5 PartI
  5 ChapterScopedDynamicRewriteRules
  5 ChapterInControlOfRewriting
  4 WebChanges
 32 EelcoVisser
Nov 2003 169 65 0  62 TitlePage
 24 WebHome
 13 PartI
  9 WebNews
  9 TableOfContents
  8 PartII
  7 WebContents?
  5 ChapterProgramRepresentation
  4 WebPreferences
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 65 EelcoVisser




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