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Day 1

On the first day, you need to install Eclipse and the Spoofax language workbench.


We highly recommend to work with a fresh Eclipse installation. You may also install some additional Eclipse plug-ins to which you are used to, e.g. for version management.

Moved to http://metaborg.org/wiki/spoofax/download

Initial Project

We recommend to start with an empty Eclipse workspace. Import the initial project? using the Import > General/Existing Projects into Workspace wizard. Build the project by selecting it and choosing Project > Build Project from the menu. The console will report success or failure.

I Attachment sort Action Size up Date Who Comment
MiniJava-minimal.zip manage 54.2 K 13 Sep 2012 - 10:22 GuidoWachsmuth Initial Spoofax project.

Trash.Day1 moved from CC.Day1 on 13 Mar 2014 - 08:09 by GuidoWachsmuth - put it back