


Note: Included topic StrategoEvents? does not exist yet


Stratego/XT is a language and toolset for program transformation. The Stratego? language provides rewrite rules for expressing basic transformations, programmable rewriting strategies? for controlling the application of rules, concrete syntax for expressing the patterns of rules in the syntax of the object language, and dynamic rewrite rules for expressing context-sensitive transformations, thus supporting the development of transformation components at a high level of abstraction.

The XT toolset offers a collection of extensible, reusable transformation tools, such as powerful parser and pretty-printer generators and grammar engineering tools. Stratego/XT supports the development of program transformation infrastructure, domain-specific languages, compilers, program generators, and a wide range of meta-programming tasks.

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Latest Developments

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Revision: r1.120 - 29 Jun 2008 - 21:30 - KarlTrygveKalleberg
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