International Workshop on Unanticipated SoftwareEvolution

Techniques and technologies that offer support for software evolution are still far from ideal. In particular, unanticipated requirement changes are not well supported, although they account for most of the technical complications and related costs of evolving software.

By definition, unanticipated software evolution (USE) is not something for which we can prepare during the design of a software system. Therefore, support for unanticipated evolution in tools, programming languages, component models and related runtime infrastructures is a key issue for future research. The USE workshop series is intended to promote contact among researchers and practitioners interested in advancing the state of the art in unanticipated software evolution., ETAPS event.

CategoryConference, CategorySoftwareEvolution

Revision: r1.1 - 10 Sep 2002 - 15:56 - ArieVanDeursen
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