Software Maintenance And Evolution: A Roadmap
KeithBennett and
In A Finkelstein (ed.)
The Future of Software Engineering,
ACM Press, 2000.
(event colocated with
ICSE 2000).
SoftwareMaintenance and
SoftwareEvolution are characterised by
their huge cost and slow speed of implementation. Yet they
are inevitable activities almost all software that is useful
and successful stimulates user-generated requests for
change and improvements. Our aim is to describe a
landscape for research in software maintenance and
evolution over the next ten years, in order to improve the
speed and accuracy of change while reducing costs, by
identifying key problems, promising solution strategies and
topics of importance. The aims are met, by taking two
approaches. Firstly current trends and practices are
projected forward using a new model of software evolution
called the staged model. Both strategic problems and
research to solve particular tactical problems are described
within this framework. Secondly, a longer term, and much
more radical vision of software evolution is presented. Both
general principles and specific research topics are provided,
both within an overall strategy of engineering research and
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