SORCERER is the tree parser generator of ANTLR.
* TerenceParr. _Language Translation Using PCCTS and CPP. A Reference Guide._ Automata Publishing Company, San Jose, Ca. 1993. Availble from
* TerenceParr. _An Overview of SORCERER: A Simple Tree-Parser Generator._ April, 1994.
SORCERER is the tree parser
generator for the ANTLR language processing system. SORCERER generates tree walkers from tree grammars. A tree grammar
is a BNF like notation for the definition of tree structures.
For example, the grammar
exp : #(PLUS exp exp)
describes expression trees composed from integers and addition.
Tree translations and transformations are achieved by associating
actions with the grammar productions. Translations to textual output
are achieved by printing actions. For example, the following grammar
prints expressions using infix notation.
exp : #(PLUS exp <> exp)
| i:INT <>
Tree transformations are achieved by reconstructing trees and
returning them as results. For example the following grammar
transforms expressions by swapping the arguments of the \texttt{PLUS}
exp :! #(PLUS l:exp r:exp) <<#exp = #(PLUS r l);>>
Grammar non-terminals can have arguments that can be used in the
actions in productions. Non-terminals can also return results. A tree
grammar gives rise to a set of mutually recursive functions, one for
each non-terminal, that together define a one-pass traversal over a
tree. Patterns can be nested and can use regular tree expressions
with optionals, alternatives and lists.
Transformation rules in tree grammars are embedded in grammar
productions. Separation of rules and strategies and generic tree
traversals are not supported in SORCERER.
-- Main.EelcoVisser - 30 Apr 2001