This topic provides information for users of Rigi binary distributions. See also
RigiDevelopment if you work with Rigi's source code.
RigiEdit basically means that you have to extract the contents of the archive (ZIP, tar, etc.) into a new directory. This directory is referred to as
Linux with (ba)sh:
> mkdir rigibase
> cd rigibase
> export RIGI=`pwd`
> export PATH=$RIGI/bin:$PATH
> wget
> gunzip rigiedit-12-Jan-2003-bin.tar.gz
> tar xvf rigiedit-12-Jan-2003-bin.tar
To set the environment variables RIGI and
PATH for tcsh, replace the above two lines with:
> setenv RIGI `pwd`
> set path=($RIGI/bin$path)
You need to set the following system environment variables:
Variable | Example  |
Path | %RIGI%\bin |
TCL_LIBRARY | %RIGI%\lib\tcl8.4 |
TK_LIBRARY | %RIGI%\lib\tk8.4 |
RIGI | C:\Rigi |
You can include the following lines into the
rem following lines are related to RIGI
set RIGI=c:/rigi
set TCL_LIBRARY=%RIGI%/lib/tcl7.4
set TK_LIBRARY=%RIGI%/lib/tk4.0
General Troubleshooting
- (No problems reported yet.)
Troubleshooting for Windows
- Make sure that the path where you install Rigi does not contain white spaces. If white spaces are in the path you see an error message such as the following:
Welcome to RigiEdit Version 12-Jan-2003
Copyright 1986-1998,
H.A. Muller, University of Victoria, All rights reserved
Configuration used: C:/...path with white spaces.../rigicfg.env
rigiedit error: failure to evaluate RIGISTY
rigiedit error: wrong # args: should be "source fileName"
rigiedit error: exec_command(canvas_build .window1 1 "" 500 400 1280 1024 0 185)
Troubleshooting for Linux
- (No problems reported yet.)