Puma [Grosch91] is the program transformation generator of the Coctail
compiler toolkit. A Puma specification specifies a transformation of
an abstract syntax tree that has been produced and attributed by some
other tool. The generator translates such a specification to a C or
Modula-2 program that implements the transformation tool.
A specification defines a series of procedures (or functions or
predicates) that operate on one or more tree arguments. A procedure
is defined by one or more rules. A rule matches the arguments against
patterns, tests further properties of the arguments, computes some
side effects and computes the values of output arguments and the
result. Each of these computations can cause the failure of the rule
upon which the next rule is tried or the procedure fails if no more
rules are available.
Tree traversal is achieved by means of procedural recursion. All
traversals have to be defined explicitly. This means that there is no
higher-level support for finding application instances of
transformation rules nor are procedures higher-order, hence no generic
traversals can be described.
Puma is a typical example of a domain-specific language that provides
domain abstractions on top of an existing paradigm. The language
provides syntactic support for talking about trees, e.g., pattern
matching and attribute reference, and for dealing with computations
that can fail. These are features not usually provided in imperative
languages and that can be quite awkard to program. The result is a
kind of functional language for abstract syntax trees with some
imperative features.
See Also