ProgramOptimization is a kind of ProgramTransformation aimed at improving the time or memory performance of a program. CompilationByTransformation makes heavy use of optimizations implemented as small transformations.

Here is a list of common optimizations. Feel free to add missing ones.

(a) Static optimizations (appropriate to a StaticTranslator)

  • FiniteDifferencing?
  • FunctionInlining?

  • LoopFusion?
  • LoopUnrolling?

  • RecursionRemoval?
  • RegisterAllocation?

  • StrengthReduction?

(b) Dynamic optimizations (appropriate to a DynamicTranslator)

CategoryTransformation, CategoryOptimization | Contributions by EelcoVisser

Revision: r1.10 - 17 Mar 2002 - 14:34 - EelcoVisser
Transform > ProgramOptimization
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