A framework is a set of related classes which you specialize and/or instantiate to implement an application or subsystem. Typical issues:
  • Frameworks adopt an inverse control flow, sometimes called the Holywood Principle (don't call us, we'll call you): in contrast with a library, the methods you define to use the framework get called by the framework (for example through call backs or inheritance).
  • Design patterns can be used to document the structure of frameworks -- for example IBM's San Francisco relies on the ModelViewControler? pattern.
  • The interface between the framework and the application-specific parts built on top of it is realized as a set of extension points, or hot spots.


A well known industrial framework is IBM's San Francisco

The relationship between frameworks and DomainSpecificLanguages is explored in:

Both are discussed in the DSLAnnotatedBibliography as well.

CategoryArchitecture | Contributions by ArieVanDeursen

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Transform > ObjectOrientedFramework
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