Domain Analysis is the first
DomainEngineering step.
GenerativeProgramming, p. 23, the purpose of
Domain Analysis is to:
- Select and define the domain of focus
- Collect the relevant information and integrate it into a coherent domain model.
Domain model (the output of
DomainAnalysis) is [
GenerativeProgramming , p.23]
- an explicit representation of the common and the variable properties of the systems in a domain;
- the semantics of the properties and domain concpets;
- the dependencies between the variable properties.
The domain model consists of:
- A definition of the domain
- A lexicon defining the domain vocabulary
- Models for the concepts in, e.g., UML.
- FeatureModels.
A survey from 1994 by Arango offers a comparitive study of domain analysis methods:
- G. Arango. Domain Analysis Methods. In W. Schaefer, R. Prieto-diaz, and M. Matsumoto (editors), Software Reusability. Ellis Horwood, 1994, pp. 17-49.
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ArieVanDeursen - 10 May 2001