Decompiler Fibo Dot Net Source
Program-Transformation.Org: The Program Transformation Wiki
This is a simple program, compiled with the Mono C# compiler, no optimisation.
Here is the original C# source code:
using System;
class Fibo {
private static int fib (int x) {
if (x > 1)
return (fib(x - 1) + fib(x - 2));
else return (x);
public static int Main( String[] args) {
int number = 0, value;
try {
number = Convert.ToInt32(args[0]);
} catch (Exception e) {
Console.WriteLine ("Input error");
return 1;
value = fib(number);
Console.WriteLine ("fibonacci({0}) = {1}", number, value);
return 0;
You use the program like this:
% mono Fibo 10
fibonacci(10) = 55
% mono Fibo abc
Input error
The corresponding Java source code (for bytecode decompiler tests) is in
MikeVanEmmerik - 06 Mar 2003