dcc is a research decompiler, written as a proof of concept for Cristina Cifuentes' PhD thesis.

A complete distribution of dcc (executable, source, tools to generate signatures, etc) is available. The authors ask users to first read the readme file, before downloading the archive. It may also be worth visiting the dcc home page. Please note that the authors are not currently working on this project so they cannot support any changes to the distribution. The distribution contains known bugs. Only small 80286 DOS programs can be decompiled, and only to C (not C++).

The research done by this group has focused on reconstructing the original control-flow from the assembly instructions. They also have a hash-based recognizing tool for libraries. The program lacks a complete coverage of all instructions (e.g., the floating point instructions are missing), and does not do anything in the area of data type reconstruction.

For tests, see Dcc decompiler tests.


Revision: r1.4 - 03 Feb 2003 - 06:51 - MikeVanEmmerik
Transform > DccDecompiler
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