
Calculates conflicting patterns in an AST from an SDF syntax definition.


sdf2ast-conflicts calculates a list of conflicting patterns in an AST by analyzing the priority and associativity declarations in an SDF syntax definition. These conflicting patterns can for example be used to insert parentheses in order to let a pretty-printed AST have the same meaning as the originating AST. Such a parentheses inserter can be generated with the sdf2parenthesize tool, which uses this sdf2-ast-conflicts tool.


Consider the following SDF syntax definition for simple arithmetic expressions:

module Main
  context-free start-symbols Exp

  sorts Exp Id
  context-free syntax
    Id           -> Exp {cons("Var")}
    "(" Exp ")"  -> Exp {bracket}

    Exp "*"   Exp -> Exp  {left, cons("Mul")}
    Exp "/"   Exp -> Exp  {left, cons("Div")}
    Exp "+"   Exp -> Exp  {left, cons("Plus")}
    Exp "-"   Exp -> Exp  {non-assoc, cons("Minus")}

  context-free priorities
      Exp "*" Exp -> Exp
      Exp "/" Exp -> Exp
  > {left:
      Exp "+" Exp -> Exp
      Exp "-" Exp -> Exp

  lexical syntax
    [a-zA-Z\_] [a-zA-Z0-9\_]* -> Id
    [\ \t\n] -> LAYOUT
  lexical restrictions
    Id -/- [a-zA-Z0-9\_]

  context-free restrictions
    LAYOUT? -/- [\ \t\n]

Applying the sdf2ast-conflicts tool:

$ sdf2ast-conflicts -i Exp.def | pp-aterm

Results in:

[ SubtermConflict(Symbol("Mul", 2), 0, Symbol("Plus", 2))
, SubtermConflict(Symbol("Mul", 2), 1, Symbol("Plus", 2))
, SubtermConflict(Symbol("Mul", 2), 0, Symbol("Minus", 2))
, SubtermConflict(Symbol("Mul", 2), 1, Symbol("Minus", 2))
, SubtermConflict(Symbol("Div", 2), 0, Symbol("Plus", 2))
, SubtermConflict(Symbol("Div", 2), 1, Symbol("Plus", 2))
, SubtermConflict(Symbol("Div", 2), 0, Symbol("Minus", 2))
, SubtermConflict(Symbol("Div", 2), 1, Symbol("Minus", 2))
, SubtermConflict(Symbol("Div", 2), 1, Symbol("Mul", 2))
, SubtermConflict(Symbol("Mul", 2), 1, Symbol("Div", 2))
, SubtermConflict(Symbol("Minus", 2), 1, Symbol("Plus", 2))
, SubtermConflict(Symbol("Plus", 2), 1, Symbol("Minus", 2))
, SubtermConflict(Symbol("Mul", 2), 1, Symbol("Mul", 2))
, SubtermConflict(Symbol("Div", 2), 1, Symbol("Div", 2))
, SubtermConflict(Symbol("Plus", 2), 1, Symbol("Plus", 2))
, SubtermConflict(Symbol("Minus", 2), 0, Symbol("Minus", 2))
, SubtermConflict(Symbol("Minus", 2), 1, Symbol("Minus", 2))

The SubtermConflict indicates that a certain symbol is not allowed as the direct subterm of another symbol. Currently, the SubtermConflict is the only conflict pattern that is supported by sdf2ast-conflicts.

To explain its meaning, let's have a look at the first conflict:

SubtermConflict(Symbol("Mul", 2), 0, Symbol("Plus", 2))

The SubtermConflict has three children: a Symbol (A), an integer (x), and another Symbol (B). A Symbol describes a constructor. The first subterm of a Symbol is the name of the constructor, in this case Mul and Plus. This constructor name corresponds to the cons attribute of the corresponding SDF production rule. The second argument of a Symbol is the arity of the symbol, which is 2 for both symbols. The meaning of a SubtermConflict is that the symbol B is not allowed as a subterm at position x of the an aterm with symbol A. Thus, the example conflict defines that the term Mul(Plus(e1, e2), e3) has a conflict. Indeed, this expression is a problem. For instance, 6 + 5 * 3 will parse as Plus(e1, Mul(e2, e3)), not as Mul(Plus(e1, e2), e3). Therefore, parentheses need to be inserted in this term.

Revision: r1.1 - 03 Oct 2004 - 06:44 - MartinBravenboer
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