*News* * _May-2-2007._ Version 0.3 of the koala compiler has been released. Checkout HowToObtainKoalaCompiler *Description* The Koala-compiler package forms an Open Source implementation of Koala. It is independent of the official Koala compiler as developed by [[http://www.extra.research.philips.com/SAE/koala/][Philips Research]]. The package provides an open compiler implementation that can be used for research and for education purposes. Koala is a component definition language used by Philips consumer electroniccs to model components (as C modules), composition (as C compilation and linking), and variability (as CPP macros and partial evaluation). The Koala component model consists of a component language, which supports definition of: * interfaces (both required and provided) * data types * components * diversity (by means of a diversity interfaces) * component compositions Component compositions consist of collections of components and wires that connect provides and requires interfaces (see picture below). *Contents* The koala-compiler package includes: * The Koala language definition in SDF * A Koala parser * A Koala normalizer * A Koala pretty-printer * A Koala vizualization tool * A backend for C (+Makefile generation). This provides the functionality of the original Philips Koala compiler * A backend for [[http://www.cs.uu.nl/groups/ST/Merijn/PaperSourceTreeComposition][Source Tree Composition]]
*Contact* * Main.MerijnDeJonge About koala-compiler package * Main.RobVanOmmering about mainstream Koala development *Publications* * Main.RobVanOmmering and Frank van der Linden and Jeff Kramer and Jeff Magee. __The Koala Component Model for Consumer Electronics__. _IEEE Software Computer_, 33(3), pp. 78-85, March 2000. * Main.MerijnDeJonge. __[[http://www.cs.uu.nl/groups/ST/Merijn/PaperMultiLevelComponentComposition][Multi-level Component Composition]]__. Bosch, Jan, Ed. 2nd Groningen Workshop on Software Variability Modeling (SVM'04). *Documentation* * [[How to obtain KoalaCompiler]] * [[How to install KoalaCompiler]] * [[How to options]] * [[KoalaText][How to pretty-print a Koala specification]] * [[KoalaDot][How to vizualize a Koala specification]] * [[KoalaC][How to generate C code]] * [[KoalaSTC][How to generate software bundles]] * [[KoalaNormalize][How to extend]] * [[How to KoalaCompiler framework]] *Daily builds* * Daily builds of the Koala compiler are available at: http://buildfarm.st.ewi.tudelft.nl/releases/strategoxt/full-status-koala-compiler.html. Note that these distributions are under development and may not work at all. -- Main.MerijnDeJonge - 22 Dec 2004