The tool =koala-c= translates the bindings defined in a Koala composition to C. The program takes as input a Koala composition and produces as output a set of .c/.h files, and a Makefile. This tool corresponds to the combination of =koala= / =koalamaker= tools of the original Philips Koala compiler. The generated files will be stored in the directory specified with the '-d' command line switch (defaults to current working directory).
	koala-c -I <directory with Koala components> \\

			  -i <top-level component> \\

			  -d <output-dir>
The C-source source files can now be compiled into an executable program =a.out= by running =make= in the output directory:
	cd <output-dir>
All non-generated compilation units (i.e., all source files corresponding to Koala modules), should be stored in the same location as the corresponding component definition file. This is how =koala-c= knows where source files can be located and how source files are referenced in generated Makefiles. This is based on Philips' Koala implementation. The name of the output program (i.e., the result of running =make=), can be specified with the '-p' switch:
	koala-c -I <directory with Koala components> \\

			  -i <top-level component> \\

			  -d <output-dir> \\

			  -p hello-world
The name of the generated Makefile can be specified with the '-m-' switch:
	koala-c -I <directory with Koala components> \\

			  -i <top-level component> \\

			  -d <output-dir> \\

			  -p hello-world  \\

			  -m Mymake
Compiling and running the resulting program can now be performed as follows:
	cd <output-dir>
	make -f Mymake
The generated Makefile contains two additional targets. These are: * _clean_ to remove files generated during the invocation of =make * _allclean_ to also remove the files generated by =koala-c= The directory =demos/koala-c= in the source distribution of KoalaCompiler (see HowToObtainKoalaCompiler) contains examples of =koala-c= -- Main.MerijnDeJonge - 22 Dec 2004