Assuming that all required packages are installed (see HowToObtainKoalaCompiler), the source distribution of KoalaCompiler can be installed in the following steps: *Unpacking*
	 tar zxvf koala-compiler-0.1.tar.gz
	 cd koala-compiler-0.1
*Configuration* If all required packages are installed in the same location, proceed as follows:
	 ./configure --with-xt=<location of strategoxt> \\

					 --prefix=<installation prefix>
Otherwise, specify all locations separately:
	 ./configure --with-strategoxt=<location of strategoxt> \\

					 --with-sdf-tools=<location of sdf-tools> \\

					 --with-aterm=<location of aterms> \\

					 --prefix=<installation prefix>
	 make check
	 make install
-- Main.MerijnDeJonge - 22 Dec 2004