STS'08: Software Transformation Systems Workshop
part of the
Fifth international conference on
Generative Programming and Component Engineering (GPCE'08)
October 19-23 2008
Nashville, Tennessee
colocated with OOPSLA'08
Workshop Organisers
Important Dates
Workshop schedule:
- 2 page position paper submission deadline: July 15, 2008
- Notification of acceptance: August 31, 2008
- Early registration: September 11th, 2008
- Workshop: Sunday October ??, 2008
Generative software techniques typically transform components or codefragments,
instantiate patterns etc. in some way or another to generate new code
fragments, components or programs. Often this needs software support beyond
that of existing compilers, i.e., some kind of system which takes software as
inputs and produces software as output.
Software transformation systems are tools which are built for such
transformations. They range from specific tools for one purpose, via simple
pattern matching systems, to general transformation systems which are easily
programmed to do any reasonable transformation. Thus the more general tools may
be treated as meta-tools for generative programming.
Following on the success of STS'04, this workshop is once again designed to
bring together people working on software transformation systems and those
with an interest in software transformation systems as a generative tool,
with the aim of investigating the use of software transformation tools as tools
to support generative programming. We want to look at various generative techniques
and suggest how these may be supported by various general purpose transformation tools.
This may lead to a more general understanding of common principles for supporting
generative methods.
This year's workshop will particularly focus on architecture, reuse, implementation
(data representations and algorithms), application models and benchmarks, although
contributions on a wide range of topics in the application of software transformation
systems in generative techniques are sought.
Workshop format
The workshop will have a small number of participants, around 20, selected on
the basis of short position papers submitted to the organisers. The aim is to
let people with different perspectives meet in order to allow fruitful
Submission of intent to participate
If you find this workshop interesting you should send an e-mail to with your intent to participate and your
area of expertise/interest.
Space may be limited at the workshop, and registered participants will be given priority.
Workshop participants should register for the GPCE'08 conference.
Those who only wish to participate in the workshop should
register for any one day of the conference. The badge will let you
attend the workshop as well as the chosen day of the conference.