TXL solution to TIL Chairmarks #3.4, Constant folding, recognize and resolve opportunities to fold constant expressions.

Thie simple example demonstrates constant propagation and expression folding using TXL.

-- JamesCordy - 03 Jan 2008

File "TILconst.Txl"

% Constant propagation and folding for TIL
% Jim Cordy, January 2008

% Given a TIL program, recognize constant assignments to variables,
% and replace references to the variable with the constant (constant propagation),
% then recognize and compute constant expressions (constant folding).

% This program could be combined with other optimization rules such as
% code motion and redundant variable elimination to further optimize the result.

% Begin with the TIL base grammar, using precedence
#define PRIORITY
include "TIL.Grm"

% Preserve comments in this transformation
#pragma -comment

redefine statement
    |   [comment] [NL]
end redefine

% Main function - just apply stages of the transformation

function main
    replace [program]
        P [program]
        P [propagateConstants]
end function

% Constant propagation - find each constant assignment to a variable, 
% and if it is not assigned again then replace references with the constant

rule propagateConstants
    replace [repeat statement]
        Var [id] := Const [literal] ;
        Rest [repeat statement]
    deconstruct not * [statement] Rest
        Var := _ [expression] ;
    deconstruct * [primary] Rest
        Var := Const;
        Rest [replaceExpn Var Const]
end rule

rule replaceExpn Var [id] Const [literal]
    replace [primary]
end rule

% Constant folding - find and evaluate constant expressions

rule foldConstantExpressions
    replace [expression]
        E [expression]

    construct NewE [expression]
        E % Generic folding of pure constant expressions

          % Other special cases involving constants (examples only, could be others)

    % Continue until we don't find anything to fold
    deconstruct not NewE
end rule

rule resolveAddition
    replace [expression]
        N1 [integernumber] + N2 [integernumber]
        N1 [+ N2]
end rule

rule resolveSubtraction
    replace [expression]
        N1 [integernumber] - N2 [integernumber]
        N1 [- N2]
end rule 

rule resolveMultiplication
    replace [term]
        N1 [integernumber] * N2 [integernumber]
        N1 [* N2]
end rule 

rule resolveDivision
    replace [term]
        N1 [integernumber] / N2 [integernumber]
        N1 [/ N2]
end rule

rule resolveParentheses
    replace [primary]
        ( N [integernumber] )
end rule

rule resolveAdd0
    replace [expression]
        P [primary] + 0
end rule

rule resolveSubtract0
    replace [expression]
        P [primary] - 0
end rule

rule resolveMultiply1Right
    replace [expression]
        P [primary] * 1
end rule

rule resolveMultiply1Left
    replace [expression]
        1 * P [primary]
end rule

Example run: "const.til" is a meaningless little program with lots of opportunities for constant propagation and folding.

<linux> cat const.til
// Silly meaningless example with opportunities to fold constants
var x; var y; var z; var a; var b; var c;
var d; var e; var j; var k; var m; var n; var r;
y := 1;
z := 2;
while 1 do
    x := y + z;
    a := 3;
    z := 5;
    j := 0;
    while j != 100 do
        r := 99;
        d := 7;
        k := a + z;
        b := j * z;
        d := (y + z) * d;
        e := (x + z) * r;
        j := j + 1;
    // This one is constant for sure!
    c := a + y;
    m := y * b;
    n := r * y;

<linux> txl const.til TILconst.Txl
TXL v10.5 (11.12.07) (c)1988-2007 Queen's University at Kingston
Compiling TILconst.Txl ... 
Parsing const.til ...
Transforming ...

// Silly meaningless example with opportunities to fold constants
var x;
var y;
var z;
var a;
var b;
var c;
var d;
var e;
var j;
var k;
var m;
var n;
var r;
y := 1;
z := 2;
while 1 do
    x := 1 + z;
    a := 3;
    z := 5;
    j := 0;
    while j != 100 do
        r := 99;
        d := 7;
        k := 8;
        b := j * 5;
        d := 6 * d;
        e := (x + 5) * 99;
        j := j + 1;
    // This one is constant for sure!
    c := 4;
    m := b;
    n := r;

-- JamesCordy - 03 Jan 2008

Revision: r1.1 - 03 Jan 2008 - 04:46 - JamesCordy
Sts > StsBench > TILChairmarks > ConstantFoldingUsingTXL
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