Some ideas for making advanced Stratego features more accessible to
new users.
- Easy to define a syntax for language X and implement a
source-to-? or source-to-source transformation for it.
- Easy to define a transformation for language X, which is already
supported by some package (e.g. java-front).
- Easy to reuse existing syntax definitions. Languages should be 'components' that more or
less hide their internal implementation.
XT Archives: Tool and File Integration
One of the problems of XT is that there are many file types for a
single subject language. These file types are used by several
tools. The users needs to know how to generate all these files and he
needs to pass these files explicitly to all the tools.
xtar (xt archive) is a solution to this problem. xtar collects the standard set
of files for a specific language into a single zip archive (compare to
a jar file). This archive can then be passed to all the XT tools and
they just take out the files that they need. The user doesn't need to
know what specific files a tool need.
The only input of xtar tool is an
SDF module. It takes a -i argument
for this module and probably should accept the include flags of
pack-sdf. xtar will integrate the following tools:
- pack-sdf
- sdf2table
- sdf2rtg
- rtg2sig
- ppgen
The resulting xtar will contain all the files related to a
language: a A.def, A.tbl, A.rtg (A.rtg-nf), A.str (A.rtree) and A.pp
( Hence, the xtar contains all the files required to
implement a transformation for language A. Furthermore, the archive
might contain meta information (compare the a jar manifest).
Components of this archive, in particular the .pp, must be
Below are some more adventurous and unclear ideas.
These are not directly related to the idea of XT Archives.
Flexible Composition of XTC Repositories
Problem: users more or less need to be in an Autoconf/Automake
environment if they need to do composition.
XTC repository mechanism should be more flexible. Most important:
a tool should be able to locate resources from multiple
repositories. Also, repositories should be more dynamic: currently
repositories are only constructed at install-time.
The configuration of the
XTC repositories to use should be more
flexible. It should be possible to extend the resources visible to
StrategoXT components, without difficult repository construction.
- Automatically load repositories in a /home/fred/.xtc
directory. Packages could provide an 'activate' tool that adds
their repository to this directory.
- Use a ":" separated environment variable 'XTC_REPOS'. This
variable can contain multiple XTC repositories, which are all
- On-request extension of the XTC bindings. The zip archive of
language specific files should for example be accepted by the
Stratego compiler. These files are registered and the entries
refer to the files in the zip file.
I specifically suggest some configuration guidelines for the
XTC tools:
* Every
XTC tool will perform a fixed search for dynamic configuration
settings, starting with searching for ${prefix}/etc/xtc/xtc.conf,
then ${HOME}/.xtc/config (or .xtc.conf), then any environment
variables, such as XTC_REPOS. Settings will be overriden upon
* Easy programmatic inspection of the
XTC repository, and xtars, allowing
for searching, e.g.: xtc-query Java.sdf will find all available
Java.sdfs, and explain the precedence order. (User may have his own
experimental stuff in ~/.xtc/myjavastuff.xtar that inadvertently
takes precedence over /usr/share/xtc/myjavastuff.xtar).
* Documentation; inasmuch as this exists, it should either be in the
xtar bundle itself, or referenced in a way that allows for easy
queries and subsequent display in a web browser.
In this way, the 'language archive' can be used completely
transparantly by the Stratego compiler and other tools.
Include Resources in Executable
Transformation tools should be more or less self-contained, at least
they should contain their data files to avoid all the problems in
locating this data.
At least, all external files can be packed into one xtar, which is bundled
along with the binary. If all auxiliary tools know how to deal with xtars,
we have reduced the deployment from binary + heaploads of extra stuff to
binary + data, which is already a big improvement.
- Parse-tables could be included in the binary. They can be written
to a temporary file, or libsglr can be used.
- Transformation tools created in this way should not have a
built-in default repository: they should be portable the .xtc
mechanism can be used as a default a repository.
- In-program resources (such as the parse table) should be
registered in XTC and can be used as ordinary XTC resources.
- XTC compositions can be written in a non-automake enviroment.
Inline Meta Files
This is all just an extension of the existing
XTC mechanism. Another
thing we would like to change is the .meta file. Defining meta
information in the program itself is more comprehensible for new
users, and it is easier to move files around. The solution is to add a
header to a Stratego module. This header will be read separately and
the real body will be parsed with the specified syntax. Preferably,
this header should be in a concrete syntax.
syntax = StrategoJava
module foo
main =
; do-my-stuff
; xtc-pp-java