tfof-deforest is a small demo package around a case study into transformation of functional programs, more specifically: on eliminating intermediate trees by deforestation.
Deforestation Theory
Based on Philip Wadler's paper:
P. L. Wadler. Deforestation: transforming programs to eliminate trees. Theoretical Computer Science, 73(2):231--248, 1990.
Type Inferencing Theory
Tiny First-Order Functional language (TFOF)
TFOF Syntax
TFOF Tools
Listing of example tfof-files
TFOF Modules (*.tfmd
- datatypes.tfmd
- Definition of basic datatypes (Tree and List)
- basic-operators.tfmd
- For typing purposes only: the standard arithmetic, relational and
boolean operators.
- list-basic.tfmd
- A treeless definition of append (appending two lists).
- Some list-flattening functions. flatten0 is not treeless, flatten1
and its helper flatten1' are treeless.
- tree-basic.tfmd
- A treeless definition of flip (at each Branch node, flip the two
- A non-treeless definition of fleaves (collect all leaves in a list)
- int-arith.tfmd
- Some basic integer computations.
- list-arith.tfmd
- Some computations on lists (sum, sequares, etc.)
- tree-arith.tfmd
- Some computations on trees (sum, sequares, etc.)
TFOF Example files (*.tfof
- append.tfof
- term1a and term1b are two distinct nested FunApps? but should
transform to the same resulting term and helper functions.
- term2 is not linear, only inlining should occur.
- term3 is just ok. Nothing should happen.
- flatten.tfof
- term1a calls the nontreeless flatten0 and should transform to
two helper functions that are identical to flatten1 and flatten1'.
- term1b does in fact the same, but now by literally containing the
body of flatten0 already. Now only an equivalent of flatten1' should
be generated.
- flip.tfof
- term1 is the example from Wadler's article, p.9.
- leaves.tfof
- t0 .. t4 only work if a separate rule for simple expressions is
added, such that e.g. `(+) v 0' does not lead to additional inlining
and deforestation.
- t5 and t6 fail, since fleaves itself is non-treeless
- nestedcase-renaming.tfof
- Tests whether transformation of two nested case-statements correctly
handles renaming (to prevent undesirable re-binding of variables)
- typetest-*.tfof
- Small tests for the type-inferencer.
- test-1.tfof
- Initially used as a parser test.
- No valid input for deforestation.
- test-2.tfof
- Initially used as a parser test.
- term1 is already treeless.
ArthurVanDam - 22 Mar 2004