Stratego/XT 0.12
Stratego -- Strategies for Program Transformation
Released October 04, 2004
See the
installation instructions if you are not familiar with the standard installation procedure of tarballs or RPMs.

Source tar.gz

Source RPM

Redhat Linux RPM
Redhat 8.0:
Redhat 9.0:

SuSE Linux RPM
SuSE 8.2:

Mac OS X binaries

Microsoft Windows Cygwin binaries
StrategoXT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
Despite the disclaimer above we do our best to help users of Stratego/XT.
Subscribe to the Stratego
mailing lists, in particular the stratego-announce
and stratego mailing lists to get announcements of new releases and ask questions
about usage of the languages and tools.
Also we're interested to know what people are using Stratego/XT for and how
it might be improved, so feel free to drop
us a line.
Summary of Changes
Stratego Language
- Bigger bag of dynamic rule applications
Stratego Library
- Improved newname for repeated application.
- New mathematical strategies: abs and gcd.
- Various usability improvements in pack-sdf, a tool for collecting
SDF modules in a single SDF definition.
- Improved performance and error-reporting of format-check, a tool
for checking the structure of an aterm,
- New features and various usability enhancements in parse-unit, a
tool for unit testing SDF syntax definitions.
- The parenthesize generator, sdf2parenthesize, now fixes much more
conflicts: transitive priorities are now supported.
- Support for comment preserving transformations.
- New XML tools provide pragmatic interoperability with XML tools.
- Improved Autoconf macros in AutoXT
Format Checking
The format-check tool has been reimplemented in order to boost
performance, and improve error-reporting and visualization. The format
checker now uses a bottom-up algorithm for format checking. The tool
infers types in a bottom-up fashion and will complain at the innermost
term for which no type can be inferred. If this term has subterms,
then their inferred types will be shown. The performance is even
better in
mode, but this might reduce the quality of the
error reports.
Format-check now supports a
mode for showing format errors in
a pretty-printed aterm at the command-line. Format-errors will be
indicated in red if the terminal supports colors.
Format-check also has a new feature to report the results of type
inference in an HTML document. This document contains the input term,
formatted in the same way as pp-aterm. All innermost format errors in
the aterm are indicated by red boxes. Moving over the aterm with your
mouse will show the inferred types of the aterms in an information
More information, examples, and a screenshot are available at the
Tools Wiki:
(Contributed by Martin Bravenboer)
Pack SDF
Several features have been added to pack-sdf to make it more
- pack-sdf now checks if the module name specified in an SDF module
file, corresponds to the actual filename. Having different names
can lead to very nasty problems.
- The order of include path entries has been improved to make it
more clear. The directory of the main module (specified with -i)
is now the first include option. This is not always the current
directory, in which case unexpected modules might be imported in
previous versions of StrategoXT. So, pack-sdf -i syn/Foo.sdf will
search for module in the syn directory.
- The input file is no longer searched for in the include
path. That is, pack-sdf -i Foo.sdf now always packs ./Foo.sdf,
not a module Foo elsewhere in the include path if ./Foo.sdf does
not exist.
- A warning is printed if a specified include directory does not
- Improved error reporting for missing modules. Usually, the module
is not really missing, but the name of this import is
incorrect. Hence, it is useful to report the module(s) from where
the 'missing' module is imported. Pack SDF now prints a detailed
report of all missing modules and the module where these are
- pack-sdf now reports all missing modules in a single execution.
- pack-sdf now (again) supports the creation of a dependency file
suitable for inclusion in a Makefile. Makefile.xt will instruct
pack-sdf to do this, so there is no longer a need to specify
dependencies of SDF files.
More information on pack-sdf is available at the Tools Wiki:
(Contributed by Martin Bravenboer)
Parse Unit
In previous releases of StrategoXT, parse-unit testsuites had to be
parsed with a separate tool before passing it to parse-unit. This is
obviously a bad idea, so parse-unit itself now parses the
testsuite. It will fall back to abstract syntax, so this change should
not break existing makefiles. The
option can be
used to declare that you are passing a testsuite in abstract syntax.
Parse-unit now has an option to parse a single test and write the
result to the output. In this mode ambiguities are accepted, which is
useful for debugging. The option for this 'single test mode' is
--single <nr>
is the number in the testsuite (printed
when the testsuite is executed). The
flag can be used to
produce asfix2 instead of an AST.
Parse-unit now accepts a
flag to disable the
heuristic -fi (injection count) and -fe (eagerness) disambiguation
filters of sglr. Using this flag is highly encouraged.
More information and an example are available at the Tools Wiki:
(Contributed by Martin Bravenboer)
Parenthesizer Generation
A major bug in in the generation of rewrite rules for chain priorities
has been fixed in this release of StrategoXT. In the previous version,
the tool assumed that the
SDF normalizer generates chain priorities
for the transitive closure of the priorities that are defined in an
SDF syntax definition. However, this is not the case and therefore the
parenthesize generator now applies the transitive closure itself.
Also, the determination of conflicting patterns in an AST has been
separated from the parenthesize generator in the tool
. This tool might be useful for other applications.
More information and an example are available at the Tools Wiki:
(Contributed Martin Bravenboer)
Pragmatic XML Support
In StrategoXT 0.12 some new tools are available that makes
interoperability with other programs and libraries that are based on
XML seamless. The tools aterm2xml and xml2aterm support this
conversion from aterm to XML and vice versa. Since applications have
different needs, there are three conversion modes available: implicit,
explicit, and very explicit. The default mode, explicit, support a
round trip for most common aterms.
More explanation and examples are available at the Tools Wiki:
(Contributed by Martin Bravenboer)
Support for Comment Preserving Transformations
asfix-anno-comments is a new asfix to asfix tool that preserves
comments that were of the input source code by putting them in
annotations of the AST.
Implode-asfix now supports preservation of annotations in
trees. This means that implode-asfix now supports the addPosInfo
position annotation tool, and the just mentioned comment annotation
An example is available at the Tools Wiki:
(Contributed by Martin Bravenboer)
Language Enhancements
In StrategoXT 0.10 the
strategy was introduced. This
strategy returns all applications of a dynamic rule. However,
only applies the dynamic rules that been defined in the
innermost (most recent) scope where a rule
was defined. So, if
dynamic rules with name
have been defined in several scopes, then
not all applications are returned, but only the ones of defined in the
innermost scope.
In this release there is bigger bagof:
. This strategy applies
all the defined dynamic rules of name
(Contributed by Eelco Visser)
In StrategoXT 0.10 we added the if-then-else construct, which is
basically just an alternative syntax for the guarded left choice
where(s1) < s2 + s3
). Since we found ourselves writing a lot
if s1 then s2 else id end
, we have now also added an if-then
construct. This new strategy
if s1 then s2 end
is equivalent to
if s1 then s2 else id end
More information is available at:
(Contributed by Martin Bravenboer)
Improved New Name
The library strategy
(which is used for generating unique
identifiers) now trims any trailing digits up to the rightmost
'_'. Hence, repeated application of
will no longer result in
mutiple numeric postfixes (for example
For example:
<newname> "a" // produces "a_0"
; <newname> "b" // produces "b_0"
; <newname> "b_1" // produces "b_2"
; <newname> "b_1729" // produces "b_3"
; <newname> "b_a" // produces "b_a_0"
(Contributed Arthur van Dam)
The Autconf support of
AutoXT has been updated. Autoconf macros of
now perform more checks. For example, Autoconf now fails
if there are undefined macros with the XT prefix. Furthermore,
now defines a macro
for concisely adding
arguments to configure scripts in your own packages.
If you are developing packages based on StrategoXT and
AutoXT, then
you must have Autoconf 2.58 or newer. This does not affect users: the
installation of a StrategoXT distribution doesn't require Autoconf.
(Contributed by Akim Demaille)
Detailed List of Issues
The full list of issues closed in this release is available at:
Download and Installation
The release page contains the source distributions, binary RPMs, and
detailed instructions on how to install the distributions:
Bugs and Known Problems
See our issue tracking systems for reports about (open) bugs:
Please report any problems with installation or bugs in the
implementation to our issue tracking system. Please check the existing
issues to see if a report about the problem was already submitted.
Developments, beta tests, and bug fixes were carried out by
- Martin Bravenboer
- Arthur van Dam
- Akim Demaille
- Rob Vermaas
- Eelco Visser