------- %INCLUDE{WebNotice}% -------- Stratego is a language for program transformation and XT is a collection of tools for building and generating program transformation components. Important components of the tool collection are the [[http://www.aterm.org][ATerm]] exchange format and the syntax definition formalism [[Sdf.WebHome][SDF]]. Together these ingredients provide a very powerful toolbox for constructing program transformation systems. However, they are tools that need to be applied in construction, not a ready made environment that magically solves your particular transformation problem. The system is not restricted to a single trick, nor is there a single way to solve a problem using these tools. To learn to use these tools you'll need to invest some effort in learning the concepts and architecture of Stratego/XT. %RED%Note:%ENDCOLOR% This documentation here is kept in sync with the latest integration build. If you are looking for documentation for an older, stable release of Stratego, consult the corresponding [[StrategoDownload][release page]] of your version (bottom of that page).
[[%MANUAL%/index.html][Stratego/XT Manual]]
The Stratego/XT Manual is a series of three books:
API and Source Documentation
Search engine
Syntax Definitions