There are several DebuggingTechniques for debugging Stratego programs. More support from the StrategoCompiler could be useful sometimes.


Since StrategoRelease062 there is some support for letting the compiler instrument a program to trace the strategies called. Compilation with the flag --trace-all leads to tracing of all strategy definitions and rules.


The tracing could be improved to produce input for debugging frameworks such as PieterOlivier's Tide that can be used to animate the execution of a program. Besides debugging this could be useful for explaining the operational semantics of Stratego programs.

-- EelcoVisser - 09 Dec 2001

ToDo | CategoryToDo?

Enhanced debug output

One of the main problems while debugging can be the huge amounts of ATerm dumps in one's terminal.

StrategoMisc offers some tools (output coloring, nested, tree-like debug output) to obtain more structured debug output and better distinction between the output of various debug statements.

-- ArthurVanDam - 03 Feb 2004

Revision: r1.2 - 03 Feb 2004 - 10:57 - ArthurVanDam
Stratego > CompilerImprovements > StrategoDebug
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