There are several DebuggingTechniques for debugging Stratego programs. More support from the StrategoCompiler could be useful sometimes. ---+++ Tracing Since StrategoRelease062 there is some support for letting the compiler instrument a program to trace the strategies called. Compilation with the flag =--trace-all= leads to tracing of all strategy definitions and rules. ---+++ Animation The tracing could be improved to produce input for debugging frameworks such as Transform.PieterOlivier's Tide that can be used to animate the execution of a program. Besides debugging this could be useful for explaining the operational semantics of Stratego programs. -- Main.EelcoVisser - 09 Dec 2001
----- ToDo | CategoryToDo ---+++ Enhanced debug output One of the main problems while debugging can be the huge amounts of ATerm dumps in one's terminal. StrategoMisc offers some tools (output coloring, nested, tree-like debug output) to obtain more structured debug output and better distinction between the output of various debug statements. -- Main.ArthurVanDam - 03 Feb 2004