BasLuttik and
EelcoVisser In
AlexSellink? (editor)
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Algebraic Specifications (ASF+SDF'97).
Electronic Workshops in Computing, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, November 1997.
User-definable strategies for the application of rewrite rules
provide a means to construct transformation systems that apply
rewrite rules in a controlled way. This paper describes a
strategy language and its interpretation. The language is
used to control the rewriting of terms using labeled rewrite
rules. Rule labels are atomic strategies. Compound strategies
are formed by means of sequential composition,
non-deterministic choice, sequential choice, fixed point
recursion, and a primitive for expressing term traversal. The
traversal primitive called `push-down' applies a strategy to
all arguments of the outermost function symbol of a
term. Several complex term traversal strategies such as
bottom-up and top-down application and (parallel) innermost
and (parallel) outermost reduction can be defined in terms of
this primitive. The paper contains two case studies of the
application of strategies.