---++ Introduction The [[QueryCompiler][query-compiler]] package is a set of tools for the inspection of the process of query compilation. It shows how a SQL query is parsed, desugared, translated in relational algebra and optimized. The user interface is web-based, implemented using [[StrategoNetworking][stratego-net]] and [[Tools.XmlTools][xml-tools]]. Of course the components of the query-compiler are also available as command-line utils. The [[QueryCompiler][query-compiler]] is based on the [[SqlFront][sql-front]] and [[RelationalAlgebra][relational-algebra]] packages. [[SqlFront][sql-front]] is used to parse a SQL query to an abstract syntax for SQL. The relatonal-algebra packages implements the optimization of relational algebra and the renderering of relational algebra expressions in MathML. ---++ Download and installation
	svn checkout %SVNSTRATEGOXT%/trunk/experimental/query-compiler
The packages requires (configuration with): * [[StrategoNetworking][stratego-net]] * [[SqlFront][sql-front]] * [[RelationalAlgebra][relational-algebra]] Configure the package =--with-cgi-bin= if you want to install the web-based user interface directly into your cgi-bin. ---++ Online Demo The query compiler is available online. The testsuite lists some example queries that can be compiled: * http://stratego.insanity.nl/cgi/query-compiler/query-testsuite