
ECMAScript-front is a package you can use to generate or transform ECMAScript Edition 4 (also known as JavaScript?) code.


Stable Releases

Currently, no stable releases are available.

Latest Developments

Distributions (tarball, rpm, srpm) of the head revision are created continuously:

The distributions contain the latest of the latest developments, but if you really want to, the latest sources can be checked out using:

  svn checkout https://svn.strategoxt.org/repos/ecmascript/ecmascript-front/trunk
Before you can configure the package as described above you have to run the ./bootstrap script.


ECMAScript-front requires:

Install ECMAScript-front package with the usual sequence of commands:

$ ./configure
$ make
$ make install

You might need to set your PKG_CONFIG_PATH if you did not install the dependencies in a standard location. Configure will tell you to do this if it cannot find aterm, sdf, or strategoxt.

Project Info

Issue Tracking

We use JIRA to keep track of issues. Please report any issues that you encounter!



Source Repository

The sources are available from Subversion:

Build Status

You can track the status of automatic builds at:

Revision: r1.4 - 17 Nov 2010 - 09:50 - RobVermaas
Stratego > EcmaScriptFront
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