A contextual rule is a RewriteRule in which the left-hand side and right-hand side terms contain contexts of the form x[t].

A typical example of a contextual rule is the following inlining rule:

  Inline : Let(x, e1, e2[Var(x)]) -> Let(x, e1, e2[e1])
The idea is that an occurrence of Var(x) in =e2 is replaced with the term e1.

Contextual rules are treated as syntactic sugar and translated to a normal rule, which performs a traversal over the context subterm. The inlining rule above is translated to the rule:

  Inline : 
    Let(x, e1, e2) -> Let(x, e1, e2')
    where <oncetd(?Var(x); !e1)> e2 => e2'
The traversal strategy oncetd is used to find an occurrence of Var(x) and replace it with e1. Note that in the match of Var(x), the variable x is already bound by the match of the left-hand Let(x, e1, e2) side of the rule.


  • traversal strategy
  • multiple contexts
  • conditions
  • overlapping contextual rules
  • backtracking

-- EelcoVisser - 08 Jan 2002


Revision: r1.1 - 08 Jan 2002 - 13:49 - EelcoVisser
Stratego > StrategoGlossary > ContextualRule
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