Supporting material and documentation: * [[Tour][A Tour of Spoofax/IMP]] (recommended) * [[Examples][Example projects]] * [[Testing][Test-Driven Language Development with Spoofax]] * [[FAQ][Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)]] * Editor service descriptors are documented in generated Spoofax files (e.g., YourLang-Colorer.generated.esv) * [[Features][Overview of features]] * [[Research][Scientific publications and presentations]], including the paper _[[][The Spoofax Language Workbench]]_, describing the architecture of Spoofax and the development of a new language and IDE * A [[][tutorial to SDF]] * [[][Stratego tutorial, examples, and reference manual]] * The Stratego [[][API reference]] * [[Continuous building Spoofax]] plugins using Maven Tycho * [[][Debugging Stratego]] code in Spoofax Projects * [[][Spoofax in 14 Days]] (assignments from compiler construction course) %STOPINCLUDE% For direct support please see our [[Support]] page.