Released January 10, 2005. ---++ Download See the [[Stratego.InstallationInstructions][installation instructions]] if you are not familiar with the standard installation procedure of tarballs or RPMs. Source tar.gz * [[][aterm-2.3.1]] * [[%SDFPREFIX%/sdf2-bundle-2.3.tar.gz][sdf2-bundle-2.3]] Source RPM * [[%ATERMPREFIX%/src-rpm/aterm-2.3.1-1.src.rpm][aterm-2.3.1]] * [[%SDFPREFIX%/src-rpm/sdf2-bundle-2.3-1.src.rpm][sdf2-bundle-2.3]] Redhat Linux RPM Redhat 9.0: * [[%ATERMPREFIX%/redhat-9/aterm-2.3.1-1.i386.rpm][aterm-2.3.1]] * [[%SDFPREFIX%/redhat-9/sdf2-bundle-2.3-1.i386.rpm][sdf2-bundle-2.3]] SuSE Linux RPM SuSE 9.0: * [[%ATERMPREFIX%/suse-9/aterm-2.3.1-1.i586.rpm][aterm-2.3.1]] * [[%SDFPREFIX%/suse-9/sdf2-bundle-2.3-1.i586.rpm][sdf2-bundle-2.3]] Fedora Core RPM Fedora Core 2: * [[%ATERMPREFIX%/fedora-core-2/aterm-2.3.1-1.i386.rpm][aterm-2.3.1]] * [[%SDFPREFIX%/fedora-core-2/sdf2-bundle-2.3-1.i386.rpm][sdf2-bundle-2.3]] Fedora Core 3: * [[%ATERMPREFIX%/fedora-core-3/aterm-2.3.1-1.i386.rpm][aterm-2.3.1]] * [[%SDFPREFIX%/fedora-core-3/sdf2-bundle-2.3-1.i386.rpm][sdf2-bundle-2.3]] Microsoft Windows Cygwin binaries * [[%ATERMPREFIX%/cygwin/aterm-2.3.1-cygwin.tar.gz][aterm-2.3.1]] * [[%SDFPREFIX%/cygwin/sdf2-bundle-2.3-cygwin.tar.gz][sdf2-bundle-2.3]] * The *-cygwin.tar.gz files contain a file =readme.txt= with installation instructions. Mac OS X binaries * [[%ATERMPREFIX%/macosx/aterm-2.3.1-macosx.tar.gz][aterm-2.3.1]] * [[%SDFPREFIX%/macosx/sdf2-bundle-2.3-macosx.tar.gz][sdf2-bundle-2.3]] * The *-macosx.tar.gz files contain a file =readme.txt= with installation instructions. ---++ License The SDF2 Bundle is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (GNU LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details ---++ Contents SDF2 Bundle 2.3 consists of: * [[][asc-support-2.2]] * [[][asf-library-1.2.1]] * [[][asf-support-1.4.2]] * [[][error-support-1.0.1]] * [[][pgen-2005-01-10]] * [[][pt-support-1.4]] * [[][sdf-support-2.1.3]] * [[][sglr-3.14]] * [[][toolbuslib-0.7.1]] * [[][tide-support-1.0]] SDF2 Bundle 2.3 requires: * ATerm Library 2.3.1 ---++ News This is mainly a maintenance release, fixing a number of bugs. However, a number of important features have been added. * Fixed a bug in obtaining a parse table when restoring brackets with a grammar without start symbols. * Fixed implosion of alternative literals. ="-" | "+"= becomes =alt(1,[]) or alt(2,[])= because a literal does not have a representation in an imploded tree. This fixes a core dump * The efficiency of the syntax checker was improved drastically. This reduces parsetable generation times. * A new commandline tool: =filterPT=. It filters parse forests based on some command line arguments. Currently, we have one filter to find trees with a maximum or minumum number of occurrences of a certain non-terminal. It is used to implement filters for island grammars. * A new small package: tide-support. Contains a library for developing new TIDE debugging adapters. (News selected from Meta-Environment 1.5.2 and 1.5.3 news)