Released July 04, 2004.

The SDF2 Bundle is an easy to install collection of packages that implement the modular SDF syntax definition formalism.


SDF2 Bundle 2.2 consists of:

* sglr-3.12 * pgen-2.2 * asf-library-1.1 * asc-support-2.0 * asf-support-1.4 * sdf-support-2.1.1 * pt-support-1.2 * toolbuslib-0.6 * error-support-0.1.1

SDF2 Bundle 2.2 requires: * ATerm Library 2.2


See the installation instructions if you are not familiar with the standard installation procedure of tarballs or RPMs.

Source tar.gz

* aterm-2.2 * sdf2-bundle-2.2

Source RPM

* aterm-2.2 * sdf2-bundle-2.2

Redhat Linux RPM

Redhat 8.0: * aterm-2.2 * sdf2-bundle-2.2

Redhat 9.0: * aterm-2.2 * sdf2-bundle-2.2

SuSE Linux RPM

SuSE 8.2: * aterm-2.2 * sdf2-bundle-2.2

SuSE 9.0: * aterm-2.2 * sdf2-bundle-2.2

Fedora Core RPM

Fedora Core 2: * aterm-2.2 * sdf2-bundle-2.2

Fedora Core 3: * aterm-2.2 * sdf2-bundle-2.2

Mac OS X binaries

* aterm-2.2 * sdf2-bundle-2.2

* The *-macosx.tar.gz files contain a file readme.txt with installation instructions.

Microsoft Windows Cygwin binaries * aterm-2.2 * sdf2-bundle-2.2

* The *-cygwin.tar.gz files contain a file readme.txt with installation instructions.

Revision: r1.8 - 26 Feb 2008 - 10:23 - ArnoldLankamp?
Sdf > InstallationInstructions > Sdf2Bundle > Sdf2BundleRelease22
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