Octave To C
The Octave to C++ Backend is a C++ code generator. It performs the following translations,
The latest sources of the Octave Optimizer can be found at
Example (factorial)
Consider the following Octave function,function x = factorial(n) x = 1; while(n>1) x = x * n; n = n -1; end endfunctionUsing Octave to .oct? compilation, it results in (without the includes),
DEFUN_DLD (factorial, args, nargout, "") { octave_value_list c_0; octave_value x; octave_value n; n = args(0); x = 1; while ( do_binary_op(octave_value::op_gt, n, 1).all().all().bool_array_value()(0) ) { x = do_binary_op(octave_value::op_mul, x, n); n = do_binary_op(octave_value::op_sub, n, 1); } c_0(0) = x; return(c_0); }Using Octave to C++ (standalone)? compilation, the following script
for n = 1:1000 b = factorial(n); end bresults in,
void a_0_c_0 () { double n; double b; int d_0; for ( d_0 = 0 ; (d_0 < floor((((1000 - 1) + 1) / 1))) ; d_0++ ) { n = (1 + (d_0 * 1)); b = factorial_d_0(n); } set_global_value("ans", b); get_global_value("ans").print_name_tag(std::cout, "ans"); get_global_value("ans").print(std::cout); } double factorial_d_0 (double n) { double x; x = 1; while ( (n > 1) ) { x = (x * n); n = (n - 1); } return(x); } int main () { init_octave_internals(); a_0_c_0(); }