* Logo * Set WEBLOGO = %PUBURL%/transformation.gif * Set WEBLOGODISPLAY =
* Message * Set BROADCASTMESSAGE = ---++ TWiki Platform Settings * TWiki platform name: * Set WIKITOOLNAME = TWiki * Image, URL and alternate tooltip text of TWiki logo: (can be overwritten by web preferences) * Set WIKILOGOIMG = %PUBURL%/%TWIKIWEB%/TWikiLogos/twikiRobot46x50.gif * Set WIKILOGOURL = http://TWiki.org/ * Set WIKILOGOALT = TWiki home ----++ Shortcuts * Set STWIKIURL = http://www.cs.uu.nl/groups/ST/twiki/bin/view * Set STWIKI = [[%STWIKIURL%/Center][ST Wiki]] ---++ Email and Proxy Server Settings * TWiki webmaster email address: * Set WIKIWEBMASTER = info@program-transformation.org * Mail host for outgoing mail. This is used for WebChangesAlert if Perl module ==Net::SMTP== is installed. If not, or if =SMTPMAILHOST= is empty, the external sendmail program is used instead (defined by ==$mailProgram== in ==TWiki.cfg==). Examples: ==mail.your.company== or ==localhost== * Set SMTPMAILHOST = smtp.cs.uu.nl * Mail domain sending mail. SMTP requires that you identify the TWiki server sending mail. If not set, ==Net::SMTP== will guess it for you. Ex: ==twiki.your.company== * Set SMTPSENDERHOST = ---++ Plugins Settings * TWikiPlugins configuration: All plugin modules that exist in the =lib/TWiki/Plugins= directory are activated automatically unless disabled by DISABLEDPLUGINS. You can optionally list the installed plugins in INSTALLEDPLUGINS. This is useful to define the sequence of plugin execution, or to specify other webs then the %TWIKIWEB% web for the plugin topics. Specify plugins as a comma separated list of topics. * Set INSTALLEDPLUGINS = TWiki.DefaultPlugin, Plugins.InterwikiPlugin * Set DISABLEDPLUGINS = EmptyPlugin, SmiliesPlugin, SlideShowPlugin, BibTexPlugin, CommentPlugin * Currently activated plugins: %ACTIVATEDPLUGINS% * %T% *NOTE:* You can enable/disable all plugins with the ==$disableAllPlugins== flag in the ==lib/TWiki.cfg== file. -- Main.EelcoVisser - 10 Jul 2003