* Name: Ken Meltsner * Email: kenneth.meltsner@ca.com * Homepage: http://www.ca.com * Country: USA * Comment: None so far. Currently a _Principal Architect_ at Computer Associates in CA's Technical Services group. Interested in program generation as one road to domain-specific languages. As requested, a picture of me in my nerdiest shirt (made by [[http://www.thinkgeek.com Think Geek]]) from a Spring 2004 trip to Australia to teach CA's architects in the Asia-Pacific region. I had been beaten up the park's hills by my boss and a co-worker, both older and one a smoker. I'm definitely too sedentary. __Personal Preferences (details in %TWIKIWEB%.TWikiVariables)__ * Horizontal size of text edit box: * Set EDITBOXWIDTH = 70 * Vertical size of text edit box: * Set EDITBOXHEIGHT = 17 * Style of text edit box. =width: 99%= for full window width (default), =width: auto= to disable. * Set EDITBOXSTYLE = width: 99% * Optionally write protect your home page: (set it to your %TWIKIWEB%.WikiName) * Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE = __Related topics__ * %TWIKIWEB%.%WIKIPREFSTOPIC% has site-level preferences of %WIKITOOLNAME%. * %WEBPREFSTOPIC% has preferences of the %WIKITOOLNAME%.%WEB% web. * %MAINWEB%.%WIKIUSERSTOPIC% has a list of other TWiki users.