TU Delft 2006-11-20

The software for the TU Delft tutorial will be installed at the server apsone.st.ewi.tudelft.nl. You can compile your exercises on apsone and use X-forwarding with SSH for editing source files. Details of how to use this installation are available from the exercises.

We will install the tarballs available from the following release pages. If you want to install the software on your own computer (Linux or Mac/Intel prefered), then we advice to use the same versions.


For the exercises we have used the following packages:

See the webpages of these packages for installation instructions.

Revision: r1.4 - 20 Nov 2006 - 22:20 - MartinBravenboer
IPA06 > WebLeftBar > CourseMaterial > CourseSoftware
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