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This wiki is the Innovation Pipeline for the Generative Model Transformer project. Of course we also have the GMT mailing list and the GMT newsgroup. So how do all these channels fit together?

  1. The GMT mailing list is the vehicle for communication regarding current development work and features that are on the GMT roadmap. I.e. the mailing list contains posts from those actively working on GMT.
  2. The GMT newsgroup is the vehicle for GMT developers to communicate with the GMT user community and for GMT users ask questions about using GMT etc.
  3. The GMT wiki, i.e. what you are looking at now, is the place where GMT users and GMT developers discuss and exchange ideas about future features of the GMT MDA/MDSD tool component platform that are not yet on the GMT roadmap.

Please use the structure below to navigate the GMT Innovation Pipeline, and add your suggestions as appropriate. The more concrete you can be in describing your requirements or your design ideas, the higher the chance that they will be picked up! Once sufficient material has been gathered, we will poll GMT users for their priorities.

GMT Tool Components

  1. TheBigPicture (discussion of the big picture across GMT tool components)
  2. GmtRoadmap (Discussion on GMT Roadmap)
  3. GmtCore (the GMT component that orchestrates MDA/MDSD tool components)
  4. FuutjeTemplateEngine (the Fuut-je template engine)
  5. FuutjeModeler (the Fuut-je visual modeling component)
  6. FuutjeAndXML? and Modeling (Discussion on the role of XML/XMI/XSD in modeling)
  7. SpecificationToolGenerator? (component to generate specification tools from meta models in Ecore format)
  8. GmePlugin? (enabling GME to plug into GmtCore)
  9. OpenArchitecturEnginePlugin? (enabling the Open Architectur Ware template engine to plug into GmtCore)
  10. OpenArchitecturEditorPlugin? (enabling the Open Architectur Ware template editor to plug into GmtCore)
  11. FurtherToolComponents? (suggestions for further MDA/MDSD tool components)
  12. Information about the intended meta-model example used in GMT 0.1 at http://gmt.mdsd.info

Revision: r1.56 - 30 Jul 2004 - 15:55 - GhicaVanEmdeBoas
Gmt > WebHome
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