---+++ September 24, 2012 ---++++++ [[http://fosd.de/2012/][FOSD]] ---+++ September 25, 2012 ---++++++ [[http://fosd.de/2012/][FOSD]] ---++++++ [[http://planet-sl.org/sle2012/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=164:doctoral-symposium&catid=9:presentation&Itemid=278][SLE Doctoral Symposium]] ---++++++ GPCE
18:15 *GPCE/SLE/FOSD Welcome Reception*
---+++ September 26, 2012 ---++++++ [[http://planet-sl.org/sle2012/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4&Itemid=278][SLE]] ---++++++ GPCE
09:10-09:15 *Opening*
09:15-10:15 *Keynote*
Session Chair: Walter Binder
Éric Tanter: [[TanterInvitedTalk][Taming Aspects]]
10:15-10:45 *Coffee*
10:45-12:15 *Session 1: Software Product Lines; Features*
Session Chair: Christian Kästner
Ferruccio Damiani, Luca Padovani, and Ina Schaefer: [[P1Damiani][A Formal Foundation for Dynamic Delta-Oriented Software Product Lines]]
Thomas Thüm, Ina Schaefer, Sven Apel, and Martin Hentschel: [[P11Thum][Family-Based Deductive Verification of Software Product Lines]]
Uwe Ryssel, Joern Ploennigs, and Klaus Kabitzsch: [[P21Ryssel][Reasoning of Feature Models from Derived Features]]
12:15-13:45 *Lunch*
13:45-15:15 *Session 2: Generation*
Session Chair: Michael Franz
Derek Rayside, Vajihollah Montaghami, Francesca Leung, Albert Yuen, Kevin Xu, and Daniel Jackson: [[P31Rayside][Synthesizing Iterators from Abstraction Functions]]
Geoffrey C. Hulette, Matthew Sottile, and Allen D. Malony: [[P41Hulette][Composing Typemaps in Twig]]
Eyvind W. Axelsen and Stein Krogdahl: [[P50Axelsen][Package Templates: A Definition by Semantics-Preserving Source-to-Source Transformations to Efficient Java Code]]
15:15-15:45 *Coffee*
15:45-17:15 *Session 3: Software Components; Libraries*
Session Chair: Julia Lawall
Petr Spacek, Christophe Dony, Chouki Tibermacine, and Luc Fabresse: [[P60Spacek][An Inheritance System for Structural & Behavioral Reuse in Component-based Software Programming]]
Huaxi (Yulin) Zhang, Lei Zhang, Christelle Urtado, Sylvain Vauttier, and Marianne Huchard: [[P70Zhang][A Three-level Component Model in Component Based Software Development]]
John Freeman, Jaakko Järvi, and Gabriel Foust: [[P80Freeman][HotDrink: A Library for Web User Interfaces]]
19:30 *GPCE/SLE Dinner*, Sophienkeller im Taschenbergpalais
---+++ September 27, 2012 ---++++++ [[http://planet-sl.org/sle2012/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4&Itemid=278][SLE]] ---++++++ GPCE
09:15-10:15 *Keynote*
Session Chair: Klaus Ostermann
Oege de Moor: [[MoorInvitedTalk][Analysing Contributions]]
10:15-10:45 *Coffee*
10:45-12:15 *Session 4: Software Architectures; Adaptation*
Session Chair: Ina Schaefer
Taylor L Riché, Rui Gonçalves, Bryan Marker, and Don Batory: [[P84Riche][Pushouts in Software Architecture Design]]
Hamid Bagheri and Kevin Sullivan: [[P93Bagheri][Pol: Specification-Driven Synthesis of Architectural Code Frameworks for Platform-Based Applications]]
Tim Bauer, Martin Erwig, Alan Fern, and Jervis Pinto: [[P103Bauer][Faster Program Adaptation Through Reward Attribution Inference]]
12:15-13:45 *Lunch*
13:45-15:15 *Session 5: Languages and Language Theory*
Session Chair: Bernd Fischer
Sven Efftinge, Moritz Eysholdt, Jan Köhnlein, Sebastian Zarnekow, Wilhelm Hasselbring, Robert von Massow, and Michael Hanus: [[P112Efftinge][Xbase: Implementing Domain-Specific Languages for Java]]
Jon Rafkind and Matthew Flatt: [[P122Rafkind][Honu: Syntactic Extension for Algebraic Notation through Enforestation]]
Eric Walkingshaw and Martin Erwig: [[P132Walkingshaw][A Calculus for Modeling and Implementing Variation]]
15:15-15:45 *Coffee*
15:45-16:45 *Tech talk*
Session Chair: Klaus Ostermann
Christian Kästner and Sven Apel: [[KaestnerTechTalk][An Introduction to Variability-Aware Analysis]]
16:45-16:55 *Closing*
---+++ September 28, 2012 ---++++++ [[http://planet-sl.org/sle2012/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4&Itemid=278][SLE]]