Homepage: http://www-ia.hiof.no/~rolando/adate intro.html Automatic Design of Algorithms Through Evolution (ADATE) is a system for automatic programming i.e., inductive ...
See AlgebraicMethodologyAndSoftwareTechnology Conference: Submission in January Conference in May Proceedings in LNCS http://www.cs.uiowa.edu/amast2000/ http://www ...
The generator development platform ANGIE provides a script language, a compiler for this language and a runtime system. The freeware version of ANGIE is named "ANGIE ...
ANT is a Java based tool for `making' software. It is described as ``make without makes' wrinkles''. Although it is meant for more languages than just Java, its main ...
ANTLR: ANother Tool for Language Recognition Features ANTLR is a parser generator. Generates Java, C#, or C++ code. Accepts the class of LL(k) grammars Produces recursive ...
Homepage: http://cs.nyu.edu/~jessie/apts.html APTS is a the Abstract Program Transformation System developed by RobertPaige. CategorySystem Contributions by Main ...
A Refactoring Tool for Smalltalk by DonRoberts, JohnBrant, and RalphJohnson Available online: http://st-www.cs.uiuc.edu/~droberts/tapos/TAPOS.htm This article introduces ...
Homepage: http://ase.informatik.uni-essen.de Conference on Automated Software Engineering Deadline: June Conference: November Description (from the call for papers ...
Transform.ASF is the abbreviation of the Algebraic Specification Formalism developed at Transform.CWI and the University of Amsterdam. The formalism is used in combination ...
ASF+SDF is rewriting language with user-defined term syntax and support for tree traversals. It is used for SoftwareRenovation and rapid prototyping of DomainSpecificLanguages ...
A tool suite to support the development of specifications written in the ASFandSDF formalism. It includes parser and parser generator a structure editor an interpreter ...
A new revision of this paper is available under the title Survey of Strategies in Rule Based Program Transformation Systems. Main.EelcoVisser 12 Mar 2004 Main.EelcoVisser ...
E. Visser. A Survey of Strategies in Rule-Based Program Transformation Systems. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 40(1):831--873, 2005. Special issue on Reduction Strategies ...
ATX Software Integration Architecture (ASIA) is a system for legacy interoperation. It can be used to wrap legacy code (the Source Layer) behind a compatibility layer ...
ATX Software SA offers an integrated set of architectural and re-engineering technologies that includes the ATXSoftwareIntegrationArchitecture ASIA , LegacyCare L ...
A Typed Pattern Calculus by Val Breazu-Tannen, Delia Kesner and LaurencePuel Published in Information and Computation, 124(1):32-61, January 1996. Proceedings of ...
The DeCompilation Wiki pages are a part of the program transformation Wiki. They are based on Cifuentes' decompilation pages (1998 2001), which were based on pages ...
Homepage: http://www.absint.com which has tools for post-pass optimizations, e.g. code compression. http://www.absint.com/aisee/logos/absint40.gif CategoryCompany ...
Abstract Syntax Description Language appears to be part of the Zephyr project at the University of Virginia (and other places). From their page: ASDL is designed to ...
Acacia, the C++ Information Abstraction System, is a collection of analysis and ReverseEngineering tools for CPP developed by AT T . CCia creates a program database ...
Description Objectoriented programs are easier to extend than programs which are not written in an objectoriented style, but objectoriented programs are still ...
Adaptive Pattern Matching by R. C. Sekar, R. Ramesh and I. V. Ramakrishnan in SIAM Journal on Computing Volume 24, Number 6 pp. 1207-1234 http://epubs.siam.org/sam ...
A sub-site of ProgramTransformationOrg gives a view of the pages in the XTWikiWiki high-lighting a specific subject. Such subsites have their own URL such that they ...
Homepage: http://www.loria.fr/conferences/amast2002 International Conference on Algebraic Methodology And Software Technology Goals The major goal of the AMAST Conferences ...
An attempt to automate software reuse at NASA, particularly for domain specialists who are unfamiliar with available software libraries. They implemented a system ...
T. B. Dinesh, MagneHaveraaen, and JanHeering, An algebraic programming style for numerical software and its optimization, Scientific Programming , 8(4), 2000. 247 ...
Web sites (all in Japanese): http://jdi.at.infoseek.co.jp/ "Anatomizer entrance" with legal matter http://jdi.at.infoseek.co.jp/japanese/index.plg Main page http: ...
TOC Hello release From Boomerang's test/windows/hello release.exe (I had to force the entry point): Original source code: LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT ...
Homepage: http://www.andres-loeh.de Also: http://www.cs.uu.nl/staff/andres.html Andres is a PhD student in the SoftwareTechnologyGroup at UtrechtUniversity.
I work at the Center for Advanced Computer Studies at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. My home page is housed at http://www.cacs.louisiana.edu/~walenste I ...
http://shulgaaa.at.tut.by The Andromeda Decompiler is still in development. At present, it will only run on Windows, and only decompile Windows-based programs to C ...
ATerm (short for Annotated Term) is an abstract data type designed for the exchange of tree-like data structures between distributed applications. See Tools.ATerm ...
Annotations Official Documentation Java Guide: Annotations Online Articles JavaWorld: Taming Tiger, Part 3: Decorate your code with Java annotations IBM DeveloperWorks ...
Description Application extraction is a ProgramTransformation technique that aims at reducing the size of a program by removing (library) code that is not used in ...
ArchitectureExtraction is an attempt to recover SoftwareArchitecture from, for example, the source of a LegacySystem. ArchitectureExtraction typically starts with ...
I work at CWI, Amsterdam see http://www.cwi.nl/~arie/ Since this ProgramTransformation wiki covers many topics related to reverse and reengineering, and since these ...
Homepage: http://www.students.cs.uu.nl/people/arbruijn/ Arne de Bruijn is a student at Universiteit Utrecht and works on InliningStrategies in general and the interaction ...
http://www.cs.rhul.ac.uk/research/languages/projects/reverse compilation.shtml The above page describes an Analog Devices ADSP-21xx assembly language to ANSI-C translator ...
AspectJ is a language for oriented programming with Java. There are at least two implementations of the language: ajc (fully integrated with Eclipse), and abc (an ...
Description Functional decomposition is good for flexibility, maintainance and modularity of programs. However, it is not necessarily good for other aspects of programming ...
Aspect-Oriented Programming by GregorKiczales, JohnLamping, AnuragMendhekar, ChrisMaeda, ChristinaVideiraLopes, JeanMarcLoingtie and JohnIrwin. In Proceedings of ...
Decompilation from assembly language is easier than decompiling native executable (machine code) programs, but harder than decompiling programs compiled to virtual ...
Attribute grammars were introduced by DonaldKnuth in 1968 for the definition of the semantics of (programming) languages. An attribute grammar is a specification that ...
Every few months, I get an email asking where to find an automatic decompiler that will take a binary as input and produce good quality C or C++ code for maintaining ...
A Term Pattern-Match Compiler Inspired by Finite Automata Theory by MikaelPettersson In International Workshop on Compiler Construction (CC'92) LNCS 641, SpringerVerlag ...